Kurtis Rader
Kurtis Rader
Note that a [`help`](https://github.com/elves/elvish/issues/1432) command will be merged in the near future. That addresses the question of how to get the documentation for embedded (i.e., builtin) commands in an interactive...
I've been working on rejuvenating the [ksh shell](https://github.com/att/ast). The POSIX shell standard is a nightmare. Requests for POSIX support occurs regularly in the fish shell project. Once in a while...
> It’s not to add POSIX features to the Elvish language, but to add a layer to compile sources from POSIX scripts. Thanks, but I understand that. The distinction is...
@xiaq I still feel this issue should be closed. If Elvish did have a mode that would allow it to source 99.9% of user's *~/.bashrc* scripts (given that such scripts...
@eikenb, Thanks for the clarification but I'm curious how you envision this feature working. POSIX and elvish are fundamentally incompatible -- both syntax and semantics. We could add a POSIX...
> I think POSIX compatibility could matter if any non-traditional shell ever became more than niche. Where it would be the default shell installed on a system. You'd want backwards...
> Andy Chu's oil shell nearly contains a perfect reimplementation of Bash (if it doesn't already have that). Is that true? I am familiar with that project. I've seen nothing...
> I'd really like to shift the mental framework of discussion here: we can keep asking "can we do this 100% perfectly" and since the answer is "no", and conclude...
> What we shouldn't do is automatically source ~/.bashrc when elvish starts. In addition to the points made in previous comments there is another reason not to do this. We...
> ... rather, it should be able to make a best-effort attempt of sourcing .bashrc when explicitly asked to. I've read this issue multiple times since it was opened. What...