kenlm copied to clipboard
Reproduce probabilities and backoffs from python
I'm trying to make a python script that computes the probabilities and backoffs similarly to kenLM
The goal is to reproduce the same outputs, given the same corpus.
However, no matter how much I read the documentation and the paper, I can't get it to work... I would love some external help in order to get it to work and successfully reproduce the same result as kenLM
I'm testing on a toy corpus. Here is the content of test.txt
I went to
I go to
You went to
You go to
Joe went to
Joe go to
Anna went ski
Anna went ski
I can train a LM using kenLM
with the following command : lmplz --text test.txt --arpa test.lm -o 2
Now in the test.lm
file, I can access the probabilities and backoffs computed, for each 1-gram and 2-grams.
Here is my python script to compute the probabilities and backoffs :
from collections import Counter
import math
from nltk.util import ngrams as compute_ngrams
def main(order=2):
# Count N-grams
c = Counter()
with open("test.txt", "r") as f:
for line in f:
processed_line = line.strip().split(" ")
processed_line = ["<s>"] + processed_line + ["</s>"]
for ngram in compute_ngrams(processed_line, order):
c[ngram] += 1
# Adjust counts
last_order = c
a = Counter(c)
for _ in range(1, order):
new_order = Counter()
for ngram, count in last_order.items():
if count > 0:
suffix = ngram[1:]
new_order[suffix] += 1
last_order = new_order
# Make sure <s> is in there (altough its count is 0)
a[("<s>",)] = 0
# Compute smoothing statistics
t = [Counter() for i in range(order + 1)]
for ngram, count in a.items():
if 1 <= count <= 4:
t[len(ngram)][count] += 1
# Create discount function
def discount(n, k):
if k == 0:
return 0
if k >= 3:
k = 3
y = t[n][1] / (t[n][1] + 2 * t[n][2])
return k - (k + 1) * y * t[n][k + 1] / t[n][k]
# Just checking (
for n in range(1, order + 1):
for i in range(0, 5):
assert 0 <= discount(n, i) <= i, f"{discount(n, i)}"
# Compute pseudo-probabilities and backoff
u = {}
b = {}
for ngram, count in a.items():
o = len(ngram)
prefix = ngram[:-1]
prefix_count = 0
pcount = Counter()
# One pass to compute the denominator + backoff terms
for ngram2, count2 in a.items():
# if (len(prefix) == 0 and len(ngram2) == 1) or ngram2[:-1] == prefix:
if ngram2[:-1] == prefix: # and len(ngram2) == o:
prefix_count += count2
pcount[count2] += 1
u[ngram] = (count - discount(o, count)) / prefix_count
b[prefix] = sum(discount(o, i) * pcount[i] for i in range(1, 3 + 1)) / prefix_count
# Add empty backoff for maximum order and for </s>
for ngram in u:
if len(ngram) == order:
b[ngram] = 0
b[("</s>",)] = 0
# Add unknown word
u[("<unk>",)] = 0
b[("<unk>",)] = 0
# Interpolate to compute the final probabilities
p = {}
# First, unigrams
vocab = [ngram for ngram in u if len(ngram) == 1]
vocab_size = len(vocab)
for ngram in vocab:
p[ngram] = u[ngram] + b[tuple()] / vocab_size
# Then, compute ngrams, order by order
for i in range(1, order):
o = i + 1
for ngram in u:
# Skip ngram of wrong order (either they were already computed, or will be computed later)
if len(ngram) != o:
prefix = ngram[:-1]
suffix = ngram[1:]
p[ngram] = u[ngram] + b[prefix] * p[suffix]
# Display
print("Ngrams probabilities & backoff (and pseudo probabilities) :\n")
for ngram in p:
print(f"{ngram} -> {math.log10(p[ngram])} --- {math.log10(b[ngram]) if b[ngram] > 0 else 0}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
I followed the formulas from this paper.
But after running this script, I get different probabilities and backoffs. For example, for the 1-gram went
- My script gives
For the 2-grams You go
- My script gives
What is the reason for such discrepancies ?
I get different results from both you and KenLM, but I believe KenLM is making a mistake here.
What I got with KenLM on your corpus:
-0.6726411 went -0.022929981
-0.4034029 You go
What I got with my own Python script:
-0.614294447744974 went -0.022929960646239318
-0.39343950744536116 You go
I believe KenLM is miscalculating the discounts for 1-grams. KenLM has: D1=0.4 D2=1.6 D3+=1.4 I have: D1=0.5555555555555556, D2=1.1666666666666665, D3+=0.7777777777777777
And this is because KenLM miscounts the number of 1-grams with adjusted counts = 1 and 2.
Using the same method as in Issue #427, I find that KenLM prints s.n[1] == 4
and s.n[2] == 3
, i.e. KenLM thinks there are 4 1-grams with adjusted count = 1, and 3 1-grams with adjusted count = 2.
But actually, there are 5 1-grams with adjusted count = 1 (I
, You
, Joe
, Anna
, ski
) -- these all occur after only 1 type of token;
and 2 1-grams with adjusted count = 2 (to
and </s>
) -- these occur after 2 types of tokens.
There are two other causes for the discrepancy:
KenLM does not include
when calculating the vocabulary size, while your program does. I think KenLM's approach makes more sense --<s>
is never to be predicted, so we don't need to assign any probability to it. -
When calculating the backoff, you're only summing the probability mass discounted from ngrams with adjusted count <= 3:
b[prefix] = sum(discount(o, i) * pcount[i] for i in range(1, 3 + 1)) / prefix_count
While this is a faithful implementation of the second equation in Sec 3.3 of this paper: $\displaystyle b(w_1^{n-1}) = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{3} D_n(i) | {x: a(w_1^{n-1}x) = i} |}{\sum_x a(w_1^{n-1} x)}$ (<-- lol GitHub's rendering of the summation symbol) I think the equation in the paper is wrong. The upper limit of the summation should be infinity. Otherwise, the probability mass discounted with adjusted count > 3 will go nowhere, and the total unnormalized probabilities + the backoff will be less than 1. I think KenLM's implementation treats the upper limit as infinity.