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RELK -- The Research Elastic Stack (Kafka, Beats, Zookeeper, Logstash, ElasticSearch, Kibana, Spark, & Jupyter -- All in Docker)


The Research Elastic Stack (ELK)

RELK Overview


To make it just as easy to analyze data as it is to collect it.


  • Kafka: A distributed event streaming platform capable of handling trillions of events a day
  • FileBeat: A lightweight single-purpose data shipper from Elastic
  • Elasticsearch: A highly scalable search and analytics engine
  • Logstash: A dynamic data collection pipeline with an extensible plugin ecosystem.
  • Kibana: An analytics and visualization platform designed to work with Elasticsearch.
  • ES-Hadoop: A library that allows Hadoop jobs (& therefore Spark) to interact with Elasticsearch.
  • Spark: A fast and general-purpose cluster computing system. It provides high-level APIs in Scala, Python and R.
  • GraphFrames: A package for Apache Spark which provides DataFrame-based Graphs.
  • Jupyter Notebook: A web application that allows you to create interactive notebooks.


The only major modifications needed are:

  1. Remove and replace the elasticsearch index templates

    • Located in RELK/elasticsearch/output_templates
  2. Remove and replace the logstash conf files

    • Located in RELK/logstash/pipelines
  3. Either add the files to analyze into RELK/filebeat/input_files or configure Kafka/FileBeat to ingest files for your use-case.


  1. Easy! docker-compose up

If you'd like to have the containers running in the background: docker-compose up -d

Other Notes

  • Kafka listens on port 9092
  • Kibana uses 5601 (Access it via localhost:5601)
  • Jupyter uses 8888 (Access it via localhost:8888)
    • By default, Jupyter notebooks password is 'research'. This can be changed in the docker-compose file


  • Password protect ES/Kibana

Worthy mentions