gods4 icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gods4 copied to clipboard

Golang library to interact with Sony DualShock4


A userspace cross-platform driver for Sony DualShock 4 controller over HID. Works for Bluetooth and USB connections.


  • Buttons: x, circle, square, triangle, share, options, touchpad
  • D-pad: up, down, left, right (also intermediate positions)
  • Analog sticks: left, right
  • Analog triggers: L2, R2
  • Touchpad: 2 touches and button
  • Battery
  • Gyroscope (absolute orientation)
  • Accelerometer (relative movement)
  • Activating the motors (rumble)
  • Setting the LED color


Use go get to install the latest version of the library:

go get github.com/kpeu3i/[email protected]

Next, include ds4 in your application:

import "github.com/kpeu3i/gods4"


First, connect the controller to your computer using a micro-USB cable or Bluetooth.

package main

import (


func main() {
	// Find all controllers connected to your machine via USB or Bluetooth
	controllers := gods4.Find()
	if len(controllers) == 0 {
		panic("No connected DS4 controllers found")

	// Select first controller from the list
	controller := controllers[0]

	// Connect to the controller
	err := controller.Connect()
	if err != nil {

	log.Printf("* Controller #1 | %-10s | name: %s, connection: %s\n", "Connect", controller, controller.ConnectionType())

	// Disconnect controller when a program is terminated
	signals := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	signal.Notify(signals, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
	go func() {
		err := controller.Disconnect()
		if err != nil {
		log.Printf("* Controller #1 | %-10s | bye!\n", "Disconnect")

	// Register callback for "BatteryUpdate" event
	controller.On(gods4.EventBatteryUpdate, func(data interface{}) error {
		battery := data.(gods4.Battery)
		log.Printf("* Controller #1 | %-10s | capacity: %v%%, charging: %v, cable: %v\n",

		return nil

	// Register callback for "CrossPress" event
	controller.On(gods4.EventCrossPress, func(data interface{}) error {
		log.Printf("* Controller #1 | %-10s | state: press\n", "Cross")

		return nil

	// Register callback for "CrossRelease" event
	controller.On(gods4.EventCrossRelease, func(data interface{}) error {
		log.Printf("* Controller #1 | %-10s | state: release\n", "Cross")

		return nil

	// Register callback for "RightStickMove" event
	controller.On(gods4.EventRightStickMove, func(data interface{}) error {
		stick := data.(gods4.Stick)
		log.Printf("* Controller #1 | %-10s | x: %v, y: %v\n", "RightStick", stick.X, stick.Y)

		return nil

	// Enable left and right rumble motors
	err = controller.Rumble(rumble.Both())
	if err != nil {

	// Enable LED (yellow) with flash
	err = controller.Led(led.Yellow().Flash(50, 50))
	if err != nil {

	// Start listening for controller events
	err = controller.Listen()
	if err != nil {

	// Output:
	// 2019/02/16 17:00:23 * Controller #1 | Connect    | name: Wireless Controller (vendor: 1356, product: 2508), connection: BT
	// 2019/02/16 17:00:23 * Controller #1 | Battery    | capacity: 77%, charging: false, cable: false
	// 2019/02/16 17:00:34 * Controller #1 | Cross      | state: press
	// 2019/02/16 17:00:34 * Controller #1 | Cross      | state: release
	// 2019/02/16 17:00:39 * Controller #1 | RightStick | x: 187, y: 98
	// 2019/02/16 17:00:39 * Controller #1 | RightStick | x: 191, y: 94
	// 2019/02/16 17:00:39 * Controller #1 | RightStick | x: 196, y: 93
	// 2019/02/16 17:00:39 * Controller #1 | RightStick | x: 212, y: 88
	// 2019/02/16 17:00:39 * Controller #1 | RightStick | x: 228, y: 79
	// 2019/02/16 17:02:52 * Controller #1 | Disconnect | bye!


Events on which you can subscribe are listed below:

Name Data
EventCrossPress nil
EventCrossRelease nil
EventCirclePress nil
EventCircleRelease nil
EventSquarePress nil
EventSquareRelease nil
EventTrianglePress nil
EventTriangleRelease nil
EventL1Press nil
EventL1Release nil
EventL2Press byte
EventL2Release byte
EventL3Press nil
EventL3Release nil
EventR1Press nil
EventR1Release nil
EventR2Press byte
EventR2Release byte
EventR3Press nil
EventR3Release nil
EventDPadUpPress nil
EventDPadUpRelease nil
EventDPadDownPress nil
EventDPadDownRelease nil
EventDPadLeftPress nil
EventDPadLeftRelease nil
EventDPadRightPress nil
EventDPadRightRelease nil
EventSharePress nil
EventShareRelease nil
EventOptionsPress nil
EventOptionsRelease nil
EventTouchpadSwipe Touchpad
EventTouchpadPress Touchpad
EventTouchpadRelease Touchpad
EventPSPress nil
EventPSRelease nil
EventLeftStickMove Stick
EventRightStickMove Stick
EventAccelerometerUpdate Accelerometer
EventGyroscopeUpdate Gyroscope
EventBatteryUpdate Battery


  • Microphone/speaker
  • Tests


The DualShock 4 report format is not open and these resources have been very helpful when creating gods4:

  • https://github.com/seidtgeist/node-ds4
  • https://github.com/ehd/node-ds4
  • https://github.com/chrippa/ds4drv
  • http://www.psdevwiki.com/ps4/DualShock_4
  • http://eleccelerator.com/wiki/index.php?title=DualShock_4