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Golang library to interact with Sony DualShock4
A userspace cross-platform driver for Sony DualShock 4 controller over HID. Works for Bluetooth and USB connections.
- Buttons: x, circle, square, triangle, share, options, touchpad
- D-pad: up, down, left, right (also intermediate positions)
- Analog sticks: left, right
- Analog triggers: L2, R2
- Touchpad: 2 touches and button
- Battery
- Gyroscope (absolute orientation)
- Accelerometer (relative movement)
- Activating the motors (rumble)
- Setting the LED color
Use go get to install the latest version of the library:
go get github.com/kpeu3i/[email protected]
Next, include ds4 in your application:
import "github.com/kpeu3i/gods4"
First, connect the controller to your computer using a micro-USB cable or Bluetooth.
package main
import (
func main() {
// Find all controllers connected to your machine via USB or Bluetooth
controllers := gods4.Find()
if len(controllers) == 0 {
panic("No connected DS4 controllers found")
// Select first controller from the list
controller := controllers[0]
// Connect to the controller
err := controller.Connect()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("* Controller #1 | %-10s | name: %s, connection: %s\n", "Connect", controller, controller.ConnectionType())
// Disconnect controller when a program is terminated
signals := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(signals, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
go func() {
err := controller.Disconnect()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("* Controller #1 | %-10s | bye!\n", "Disconnect")
// Register callback for "BatteryUpdate" event
controller.On(gods4.EventBatteryUpdate, func(data interface{}) error {
battery := data.(gods4.Battery)
log.Printf("* Controller #1 | %-10s | capacity: %v%%, charging: %v, cable: %v\n",
return nil
// Register callback for "CrossPress" event
controller.On(gods4.EventCrossPress, func(data interface{}) error {
log.Printf("* Controller #1 | %-10s | state: press\n", "Cross")
return nil
// Register callback for "CrossRelease" event
controller.On(gods4.EventCrossRelease, func(data interface{}) error {
log.Printf("* Controller #1 | %-10s | state: release\n", "Cross")
return nil
// Register callback for "RightStickMove" event
controller.On(gods4.EventRightStickMove, func(data interface{}) error {
stick := data.(gods4.Stick)
log.Printf("* Controller #1 | %-10s | x: %v, y: %v\n", "RightStick", stick.X, stick.Y)
return nil
// Enable left and right rumble motors
err = controller.Rumble(rumble.Both())
if err != nil {
// Enable LED (yellow) with flash
err = controller.Led(led.Yellow().Flash(50, 50))
if err != nil {
// Start listening for controller events
err = controller.Listen()
if err != nil {
// Output:
// 2019/02/16 17:00:23 * Controller #1 | Connect | name: Wireless Controller (vendor: 1356, product: 2508), connection: BT
// 2019/02/16 17:00:23 * Controller #1 | Battery | capacity: 77%, charging: false, cable: false
// 2019/02/16 17:00:34 * Controller #1 | Cross | state: press
// 2019/02/16 17:00:34 * Controller #1 | Cross | state: release
// 2019/02/16 17:00:39 * Controller #1 | RightStick | x: 187, y: 98
// 2019/02/16 17:00:39 * Controller #1 | RightStick | x: 191, y: 94
// 2019/02/16 17:00:39 * Controller #1 | RightStick | x: 196, y: 93
// 2019/02/16 17:00:39 * Controller #1 | RightStick | x: 212, y: 88
// 2019/02/16 17:00:39 * Controller #1 | RightStick | x: 228, y: 79
// 2019/02/16 17:02:52 * Controller #1 | Disconnect | bye!
Events on which you can subscribe are listed below:
Name | Data |
EventCrossPress | nil |
EventCrossRelease | nil |
EventCirclePress | nil |
EventCircleRelease | nil |
EventSquarePress | nil |
EventSquareRelease | nil |
EventTrianglePress | nil |
EventTriangleRelease | nil |
EventL1Press | nil |
EventL1Release | nil |
EventL2Press | byte |
EventL2Release | byte |
EventL3Press | nil |
EventL3Release | nil |
EventR1Press | nil |
EventR1Release | nil |
EventR2Press | byte |
EventR2Release | byte |
EventR3Press | nil |
EventR3Release | nil |
EventDPadUpPress | nil |
EventDPadUpRelease | nil |
EventDPadDownPress | nil |
EventDPadDownRelease | nil |
EventDPadLeftPress | nil |
EventDPadLeftRelease | nil |
EventDPadRightPress | nil |
EventDPadRightRelease | nil |
EventSharePress | nil |
EventShareRelease | nil |
EventOptionsPress | nil |
EventOptionsRelease | nil |
EventTouchpadSwipe | Touchpad |
EventTouchpadPress | Touchpad |
EventTouchpadRelease | Touchpad |
EventPSPress | nil |
EventPSRelease | nil |
EventLeftStickMove | Stick |
EventRightStickMove | Stick |
EventAccelerometerUpdate | Accelerometer |
EventGyroscopeUpdate | Gyroscope |
EventBatteryUpdate | Battery |
- Microphone/speaker
- Tests
The DualShock 4 report format is not open and these resources have been very helpful when creating gods4:
- https://github.com/seidtgeist/node-ds4
- https://github.com/ehd/node-ds4
- https://github.com/chrippa/ds4drv
- http://www.psdevwiki.com/ps4/DualShock_4
- http://eleccelerator.com/wiki/index.php?title=DualShock_4