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A TensorFlow Keras coding style for reducing boilerplate code in custom layers and models.


|Build Status| |Coverage Status| |Version Status| |Python Versions| |Downloads|

params-flow_ provides an alternative style for defining your Keras_ model or layer configuration in order to reduce the boilerplate code related to passing and (de)serializing your model/layer configuration arguments.

params-flow_ encourages this:

.. code:: python

import params_flow as pf

class MyDenseLayer(pf.Layer): # using params_flow Layer/Model instead of Keras ones class Params(pf.Layer.Params): # extend one or more base Params configurations num_outputs = None # declare all configuration arguments activation = "gelu" # provide or override super() defaults # do not define an init()

 def build(self, in_shape):
   self.kernel = self.add_variable("kernel",
                                    self.params.num_outputs])     # access config arguments

which would be sufficient to pass the right configuration arguments to the super layer/model, as well as take care of (de)serialization, so you can concentrate on the build() or call() implementations, instead of writing boilerplate code like this:

.. code:: python

from tf.keras.layers import Layer

class MyDenseLayer(Layer):
  def __init__(self,
               num_outputs,            # put all of the layer configuration in the constructor
               activation = "gelu",    #     provide defaults
               **kwargs):              # allow base layer configuration to be passed to super
    self.num_outputs = num_outputs
    self.activation = activation

  def build(self, in_shape):
    self.kernel = self.add_variable("kernel",
                                     self.num_outputs])      # access config arguments

  def get_config(self):                # serialize layer configuration, __init__() is the deserializer
    config = {
      'num_outputs': self.num_outputs,
      'activation': self.activation
    base_config = super().get_config()
    return dict(list(base_config.items())) + list(config.items())


  • 04.Apr.2020 - refactored to use WithParams mixin from kpe/py-params_. Make sure to use _construct() instead of __init__() in your Layer and Model subclasses. Breaking Change - _construct() signature has changed, please update your Layer and Model subclasses from:

    .. code:: python

    def _construct(self, params: Params):


    .. code:: python

    def _construct(self, **kwargs):
        params = self.params
  • 11.Sep.2019 - LookAhead_ optimizer wrapper implementation for efficient non eager graph mode execution (TPU) added.

  • 05.Sep.2019 - LookAhead_ optimizer implementation as Keras callback added.

  • 04.Sep.2019 - RAdam_ optimizer implementation added.


MIT. See License File <>_.


params-flow is on the Python Package Index (PyPI):


pip install params-flow


params-flow provides a Layer and Model base classes that help reducing common boilerplate code in your custom Keras layers and models.

When subclassing a Keras Model or Layer, each configuration parameter has to be provided as an argument in __init__(). Keras relies on both __init__() and get_config() to make a model/layer serializable.

While python idiomatic this style of defining your Keras models/layers results in a lot of boilerplate code. params-flow_ provides an alternative by encapsulating all those __init__() configuration arguments in a dedicated Params instance (Params is kind of a "type-safe" python dict - see kpe/py-params_). The model/layer specific configuration needs to be declared as a nested Model.Params/Layer.Params subclass, and your model/layer have to subclass params_flow.Model/params_flow.Layer instead of the Keras ones:

.. code:: python

class BertEmbeddingsLayer(Layer): class Params(PositionEmbeddingLayer.Params): vocab_size = None token_type_vocab_size = 2 hidden_size = 768 use_position_embeddings = True

class TransformerEncoderLayer(Layer): class Params(TransformerSelfAttentionLayer.Params, ProjectionLayer.Params): intermediate_size = 3072 intermediate_activation = "gelu"

this allows you to declare the model's configuration by simply extending the Params of the underlying layers:

.. code:: python

class BertModel(Model): class Params(BertEmbeddingsLayer.Params, TransformerEncoderLayer.Params): pass

N.B. The two code excerpts above are taken from kpe/bert-for-tf2, so check there for the details of a non-trivial params-flow based implementation (of BERT_).


  • kpe/py-params_ - A "type-safe" dict class for python.
  • kpe/bert-for-tf2_ - BERT implementation using the TensorFlow 2 Keras API with the help of params-flow_ for reducing some of the common Keras boilerplate code needed when passing parameters to custom layers.

.. |Build Status| image:: :target: .. |Coverage Status| image:: :target: .. |Version Status| image:: :target: .. |Python Versions| image:: .. |Downloads| image::

.. _kpe/py-params: .. _kpe/params-flow: .. _kpe/bert-for-tf2: .. _params-flow:

.. _Keras: .. _BERT: .. _RAdam: .. _LookAhead: