- Version of SwiftyRSA in Podfile/Cartfile ```ruby - SwiftyRSA (1.5.0): - SwiftyRSA/ObjC (= 1.5.0) - SwiftyRSA/ObjC (1.5.0) ``` - Exact code that you're using to create the key / message...
Hi, I recently updated to `4.0.1` and the rows with XLFormRowDescriptorTypeSelectorPush, valueTransformers ```swift row = XLFormRowDescriptor(tag: "tag", rowType: XLFormRowDescriptorTypeSelectorPush, title: "title") row.valueTransformer = CustomValueTransformer.self ``` Values of such rows are...
I get issue when I use this along with use_frameworks! Swift pods. Is there a swift alternative for this?
For example I have a `EventTableViewCell.swift` which has a `EventTableViewCell.xib` in which we specify the class as EventTableViewCell. But if this class is not used anywhere in the code except...