Ivan Kozlovic

Results 167 comments of Ivan Kozlovic

First, I have to remind you that this project is deprecated, so there won't be much that we can do to help. You are mentioning that the DB pool size...

@schoenenberg We have an official NATS core rust client (https://github.com/nats-io/nats.rs). Not sure if we have plan to do NATS Streaming Rust client knowing that JetStream (that will be "core" NATS)...

Do you have an example on how to reproduce this? There is certainly an overhead with file store since we account for the size of a record header and the...

.. which means that your observation may be correct if messages are actually small, the difference then looks bigger since the overhead per message is more than the size of...

A note: it is `serverz`, not `servers`. I have shamelessly taken that from [nats.io documentation](http://nats.io/documentation/server/gnatsd-monitoring/). The full extend is at the end of that page: ``` Creating monitoring applications NATS...

The `ErrConnectReqTimeout` that you may receive from `stan.Connect()` is generally that you provide a cluster name that is different than the cluster name used by your server. It could also...

@erikbgithub The [code](https://github.com/nats-io/go-nats-streaming/blob/bf8654e90f5296da96eab1e85808eb5c4b7b5541/stan.go#L186) you are pointing to is when the Streaming library creates the low level NATS connection. The NATS Connect call can fail for various reasons: no server running,...