sc-controller icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
sc-controller copied to clipboard

Can't handle MoveOSKAction button event

Open pattontim opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments

I'm running sc-controller on a ubuntu18-based distro. Everything works except for the moving of the onscreen keyboard. In debug mode, the following message is displayed when pressing down and in on the thumbstick:

D SCCDaemon     LEFT locked by <scc.sccdaemon.Client object at 0x7f99c34c3390>
D SCCDaemon     RIGHT locked by <scc.sccdaemon.Client object at 0x7f99c34c3390>
D SCCDaemon     STICK locked by <scc.sccdaemon.Client object at 0x7f99c34c3390>
D SCCDaemon     SCButtons.STICKPRESS locked by <scc.sccdaemon.Client object at 0x7f99c34c3390>
D SCCDaemon     SCButtons.STICKPRESS locked by <scc.sccdaemon.Client object at 0x7f99c34c3390>
I OSD osd.keyboard  Sucessfully locked input
W OSD Actions       Action MoveOSKAction can't handle button press event
W OSD Actions       Action MoveOSKAction can't handle button release event

Expected result: The OSK moves Result: The OSK stays in the same place permanently

Edit: I also tried to set a custom shell to run /bin/echo "hello" and I get

W Actions Action ShellCommandAction can't handle button release event

Not sure if its potentially related

pattontim avatar Dec 18 '21 07:12 pattontim

Is there any possibility you've set moving keyboard to pressing thumbstick down instead of moving it? Stick and pad buttons in main window are sensitive on whether you click on left part with icon or anywhere else.

kozec avatar Dec 19 '21 08:12 kozec

Is there any possibility you've set moving keyboard to pressing thumbstick down

I just retried with the following configuration:

Stick: Move keyboard
          Stick Movement: Move keyboard
          Stick Press: Move keyboard

          Stick Movement: Move keyboard
          Stick Press: (not set)

The above warning no longer appears with the second option, however for both configurations the OSK does not move. I tried all three of the options, move when left grip is pressed w/ arrows and left/right grip. Neither does the keyboard move when the correct key is pressed.

There are no strange warnings in the debug output. Some extra info I have no idea if it will be useful

[21620.327326] input: SCC OSD Keyboard as /devices/virtual/input/input1382 [21620.328120] input: SCC OSD Mouse as /devices/virtual/input/input1383 Appears whenever I open the OSK

(sc-controller:21267): Gtk-WARNING **: 19:20:46.134: Attempting to add a widget with type GtkLabel to a GtkButton, but as a GtkBin subclass a GtkButton can only contain one widget at a time; it already contains a widget of type GtkLabel Causes the advanced OSK bindings to have the Stick Movement button appear off center and opens two dialogue windows stacked when clicked (I just set the action on each window to have changes persist for my testing). I have never been able to move the window for use since last December (when I started using it)

Something else I can't explain... The keyboard binding persists ALT as right grip, I'm not sure if this is a default or some persistence from my sccprofile

pattontim avatar Dec 19 '21 10:12 pattontim

@kozec If you know any further debug steps, let me know. I have checked the system and xserver logs and I'm not seeing anything strange. My desktop environment is Pantheon based on Ubuntu 18.04 and I'll be checking if behaviour persists after a reinstall and also within a month or so on Ubuntu 20.04.

pattontim avatar Dec 23 '21 08:12 pattontim