I did some further enhancements which include: a.) better parameter completion suggestions based on parameter type compared to variable / method return types, including superclasses and interfaces. eg if the...
Did some further testing and bug fixing. Also managed to process for cycle variables, variables in for cycle are added now as local variables, completion and Ctrl-Click works. for (int...
I uploaded now the files. I still test and fix if find anything, but now it has a lot of new features, and is almost more usable as the Netbeans...
So the feature list of current code stand: - multi-level completion proposals, like: map.get("x").toString().equals() - "this" support for current class (like this.value = value) - "this" support for enclosing types...
Last two enhancement added which was in my mind (further optimization (eg adding method parameter type check, etc) would require a much bigger refactoring): - ctrl-space in a method call...
One last thing I was missing is working now too: if you are in a method call, pressing Ctrl-P will pop up the tooltip about the method's parameters. If it...
The last bunch of changes add better support for subclasses (like MyClass.MyInnerClass x = new MyClass.MyInnerClass(); x. => will give proposal for MyInnerClass methods)