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The Mono project ported to Android

---- setup ----

This README assumes that your Android NDK directory is located at ~/src/android-ndk.

Adjust any instructions as necessary.

The current supported Android NDK is Android NDK r4, and can be found at:

Get the androidmono repository which contains the build scripts and patches

necessary to build mono.

cd ~/src git clone git://

Use the script to check out the proper revision of mono from svn and

apply any necessary patches. This step may take a while because it builds mono

and mcs so the assemblies are available for packaging in the APK.

cd androidmono ./

---- building the mono binaries and jni bindings ----

This will call ndk-build in the MonoActivity directory and build the android.dll

cd ~/src/androidmono/jni/MonoJavaBridge ./

---- building and installing the mono APK ----

cd ~/src/androidmono/MonoActivity ant install

---- running mono from the command line ----

start up and adb shell and navigate to the proper directory.

adb shell cd /data/data/com.koushikdutta.mono

run the test.exe program which prints Hello World and retrieves and prints the

Yahoo! Homepage.

./mono test.exe

---- rebuilding and using the JNI bindings (pre alpha, heavy development) ----

  1. Regenerating the androidsdk.xml from the android.jar in the SDK. The androidsdk.xml file is part of the repository now, and should generally not need to be regenerated. But if you want to tweak the XML at all, it can be done as follows. Import the jni/MonoJavaBridge/JavaObjectModelGenerator project into Eclipse as a standard Java application. Run the project. When it completes, the androidsdk.xml will be created and placed in jni/MonoJavaBridge.

  2. Regenerating the android.dll source files. The android.dll sources are part of the repository now, and should generally not need to be regenerated unless you change the code generator. Instructions to regenerate are below. Open the MonoJavaBridge workspace. Run MonoDroid. The android project source files will be regenerated.

  3. Testing the HelloWorldActivity application.

This builds the C# application. You can also open it in MonoDevelop and build it.

cd jni/MonoJavaBridge/HelloWorld/ xbuild

This builds the Android Eclipse application that wraps the C# application. You can

also use Eclipse to build/run this.

cd Android ant install