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Hello, I am getting 'java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException' while I'm trying to get websocket via API ~ AsyncHttpClient.getDefaultInstance().websocket(url.toString(), (String)null, new WebSocketConnectCallback() {}
I'm facing this problem consistently in the following scenario.. 1. Create a websocket using aforementioned API & connection is established successfully. 2. Close the websocket using API ~ websocket.close(). And press back button ~ onDestroy() is called in App. 3. Bring the App to foreground & again, try to create the websocket using API AsyncHttpClient.getDefaultInstance().websocket(), & then after 30 secs I get 'java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException'. This exception is then consistent no matter how many times I try until app is restarted.
I'm able to reproduce this issue on Android 7.x & 8.x. Haven't tested on lower OS versions.
Has anyone faced similar issue and have been able to resolve it ?
It may (or may not) be related to #132.
@koush Any news regarding this issue?
For me it happens on mobile data network (not on all devices and not on every mobile data network) but not on Wifi.