Elegant-Notification copied to clipboard
why it is not working in web
i tried push elegant notification in login screen if response is 400 i need to call notification tried not working
@Refaydeen can you provide more details Code snippet and package version used?
i m using this in my Logincontroller but it is not working,if my api is successfull means i need to show the success or else error notification,even though i tried in api method also not working
I tested now the package on a web example but it looks like everything okay, can you share more details (code, screen recording)
Not working for me too. Saw the example, and not sure what is so different for me. I have a huge codebase and not sure how I could refactor or describe what may be different. There is no error or any other logs when I check the console log.
@reeteshranjan try to use with context of button,use like this ,here i created widget named showSuccessMessage , WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) { showSuccessMessage(context: context,title: 'Success',content: 'Youre Signed in Successfully'); });
@reeteshranjan try to use with context of button,use like this ,here i created widget named showSuccessMessage , WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) { showSuccessMessage(context: context,title: 'Success',content: 'Youre Signed in Successfully'); });
I don't have a button or any other widget's context available in my flow; only the navigator state context. Will this work?
If I don't add this to my MaterialApp
, it just doesn't show the notification:
builder: (context, child) => Overlay(initialEntries: [OverlayEntry(builder: (context) => child!)]),
@koukibadr Do you know why this is the case for me and not the case in the example app?
@BenjiFarquhar could you provide flutter doctor
output to have an idea about the env you are using
@koukibadr MaterialApp adds an Overlay that can be utilised by this package for global overlay entries. Global overlay entries do not work with MaterialApp.router
. See flutter-global-overlay-can-not-be-displayed-with-materialapp-router-when-i-use.
This package has the same code that adds the root Overlay:
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter InAppNotifications',
theme: ThemeData(
primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
home: MyHomePage(title: 'Flutter InAppNotifications'),
builder: InAppNotifications.init(),
this is that init function:
static TransitionBuilder init({
TransitionBuilder? builder,
}) {
return (BuildContext context, Widget? child) {
if (builder != null) {
return builder(context, InAppNotificationsOverlay(child: child));
} else {
return InAppNotificationsOverlay(child: child);
Given this limitation of MaterialApp.router
, which is very popular now for Navigation 2.0, I believe this package will need to mention my solution above (in my first comment) or incorporate it into the package. It is quite likely that this original issue is caused by this.
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