Elegant-Notification copied to clipboard
Elegant Notification
An elegant notification to display important messages to users
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Stacked elegant notification
- Display a top notification with animation
- A-stacked friendly toast
- Built-in themes (Success, Error, Info)
- Different display animations (fromTop, fromBottom, fromLeft, fromRight)
- Support for all display alignment positions (TopLeft, TopCenter, TopRight, CenterLeft, Center, CenterRight, BottomLeft, BottomCenter, BottomRight)
- Support custom theme implementation
- on close and on progress finished callback handlers
- Animated progress bar indicator
- Customizable dismiss direction
- Background customization
- Animation duration customization
- Notification position customization
- Add clickable action widget to notification
- Notification dismiss customization
- Customizable notification dimensions (height and width)
- Customizable barrier dismission and on dismiss action
- Slide back animation
- Customizable close button
- Customizable border and border radius
- RTL support
Getting Started
To use this elegant notification package you need to add the dependency in pubspec.yaml
elegant_notification: ^2.2.2
///The toast title widget
final Widget? title;
///The toast description widget
final Widget description;
///a secondary widget displayed under the description widget
///by default `action == null`
final Widget? action;
///The toast icon, required only if using the default constructor
///for other toast types (Success, Info, error) the icon is not changeable
late Widget? icon;
///The size of the icon, by default it's 20px
final double iconSize;
///The type of the animation set on the notification
///possible values
///default value `fromLeft`
final AnimationType animation;
///The duration of the animation
///Default value `Duration(milliseconds: 600)`
final Duration animationDuration;
//The toast animation curve by default the curve is set to [Curves.ease]
final Curve animationCurve;
/// the background color of the notification
/// by default it's set to white
/// for types constructors (Success, Info, Delete) this parameter is unchangeable
late Color background;
///the border radius of the notification widget
final BorderRadius? borderRadius;
///The notification widget border
final BoxBorder? border;
///How much the notification will take time,
///by default the duration is `3000 milliseconds`
final Duration toastDuration;
///The notification shadow
final BoxShadow? shadow;
///enable or disable the progress indicator rendering
///by default the indicator is displayed
/// for types constructors (Success, Info, Delete) this parameter is unchangeable
late bool showProgressIndicator;
///The color of the progress
///by default it's blue
/// for types constructors (Success, Info, Delete) this parameter is unchangeable
late Color progressIndicatorColor;
///progress bar indicator width, by default it's null so it takes the widget's width
final double? progressBarWidth;
///progress bar indicator height, by default it's null so it takes the widget's height
final double? progressBarHeight;
///progress bar indicator padding constraints
final EdgeInsetsGeometry? progressBarPadding;
///The progress indicator background color
///by default it's grey
final Color progressIndicatorBackground;
///Display or hide the close button
///by default the close button is displayed
/// for types constructors (Success, Info, Delete) this parameter is unchangeable
final bool displayCloseButton;
///Close widget rendered as the close function
///by default the close button is displayed, if you don't want it set `closeButton` to null
/// for types constructors (Success, Info, Delete) this parameter is unchangeable
final Widget Function(void Function() dismissNotification)? closeButton;
///Function invoked when user press on the close button
final void Function()? onCloseButtonPressed;
///Function invoked when the notification is closed after the finish of the progress indicator
final void Function()? onProgressFinished;
///Function invoked when the user taps on the notification
final void Function()? onNotificationPressed;
///Function invoked when tapping outside the notification
///Or when pressing the back button of the phone
///or when tapping on the screen
final Function()? onDismiss;
///define whether the notification will be dismissed automatically or not
///by default `autoDimiss == false`
final bool autoDismiss;
///The direction of the dismissible widget
///by default it's `DismissDirection.horizontal`
final DismissDirection dismissDirection;
///The notification position in the screen
///by default the position is set to `Alignment.topRight`
final Alignment position;
///the width of the notification widget
final double? width;
///the height of the notification widget
final double? height;
///If the notification is dismissible or not
///by default it's true
final bool isDismissable;
/// The margin between the notification and the edge of the screen
final double notificationMargin;
/// The options for the stacked mode
final StackedOptions? stackedOptions;
Migration to 2.0.0
are removed replaced withshadow
is removed directly you can wrap the action widget withInkWell
- Success theme animation example
title: Text("Update"),
description: Text("Your data has been updated"),
onDismiss: () {
print('Message when the notification is dismissed');
onTap: () {
print('Message when the notification is pressed');
closeOnTap: true,
- Stacked notifications Example 1
width: 360,
isDismissable: false,
animationCurve: Curves.bounceOut,
stackedOptions: StackedOptions(
key: 'top',
type: StackedType.same,
itemOffset: Offset(-5, -5),
position: Alignment.topCenter,
nimation: AnimationType.fromTop,
title: Text('Update'),
description: Text('Your data has been updated'),
onDismiss: () {},
onNotificationPressed: () {},
- Stacked notifications Example 2
width: 360,
stackedOptions: StackedOptions(
key: 'topRight',
type: StackedType.below,
itemOffset: Offset(0, 5),
position: Alignment.topRight,
animation: AnimationType.fromRight,
title: Text('Error'),
description: Text('Error example notification'),
onDismiss: () {},
- With box shadow example
width: 360,
isDismissable: false,
animationCurve: Curves.bounceOut,
position: Alignment.topCenter,
animation: AnimationType.fromTop,
title: Text('Update'),
description: Text('Your data has been updated'),
onDismiss: () {},
onNotificationPressed: () {},
shadow: BoxShadow(
color: Colors.green.withOpacity(0.2),
spreadRadius: 2,
blurRadius: 5,
offset: const Offset(0, 4),
- Info theme animation example
title: Text("Info"),
description: Text("This account will be updated once you exit")
- Error theme animation example
title: Text("Error"),
description: Text("Please verifiy your data")
- Custom theme animation example
title: ("New version"),
description: Text("A new version is available to you please update."),
icon: Icon(
color: Colors.orange,
progressIndicatorColor: Colors.orange,
- Without title
description: Text("Please verifiy your data")
- With Action
description: Text('This account will be updated once you exit',),
action: InkWell(
onTap: (){
print('Link pressed')
child:Text( 'Link',
style: TextStyle(
decoration: TextDecoration.underline,
color: Colors.blue,
width: 360,
position: Alignment.topCenter,
animation: AnimationType.fromTop,
title: Text('Update'),
description: Text('Your data has been updated'),
onDismiss: () {
print('Message when the notification is dismissed');
onNotificationPressed: () {
print('Message when the notification is pressed');
isDismissible: true,
dismissDirection: DismissDirection.up,
Of course the project is open source, and you can contribute to it repository link
- If you found a bug, open an issue.
- If you have a feature request, open an issue.
- If you want to contribute, submit a pull request.