slacker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
slacker copied to clipboard

An Elixir Slack bot! (work in progress)


Slacker's an Elixir bot library for Slack.

It has chat matching functionality built-in, but you can extend it to handle all kinds of events.


Slacker can match regex or literal strings, then execute a given function (module optional).

defmodule TARS do
  use Slacker
  use Slacker.Matcher
  match ~r/Sense of humor\. New level setting: ([0-9]+)%/, :set_humor
  match "Great idea. A massive, sarcastic robot.", [CueLight, :turn_on]

  def set_humor(tars, msg, level) do
    reply = "Sense of humor set to #{level}"
    say tars, msg["channel"], reply

Slacker will call your function with the matching message hash. You can use say/3 to respond, be sure to include the channel you want to talk to.

Extending Slacker

Your robot is really just a GenServer, you can catch RTM events from Slack and do whatever you like with them.

defmodule CASE do
  use Slacker

  def handle_cast({:handle_incoming, "presence_change", msg}, state) do
    say self, msg["channel"], "You're the man who brought us the probe?"
    {:noreply, state}


You can also use Slack's "Web API" via the Slacker.Web module. All of the available RPC methods are downcased and underscored.

users.getPresence -> Slacker.Web.users_get_presence("your_api_key", user: "U1234567890")

Bootin' it up

Add this to your deps:

def deps do
  [{:websocket_client, github: "jeremyong/websocket_client"},
  {:slacker,  "~> 0.0.3"}]

Create a bot user in the Slack GUI, and then pass your api token to your bot's start_link/1:

{:ok, tars} = TARS.start_link("your_api_token")

It's up to you to supervise your brand new baby bot.

You're going to need to invite your bot to a channel by @-mentioning them.


Gimme dem PR's.

Some of this stuff is a real pain in the ass to test, just do your best. :rocket:


  • Keep a map of usernames to ids.
  • Keep a map of channel names to ids.
  • Private messaging support.
  • RTM tests.


See the LICENSE file. (MIT)