release a new package for support this issues. thank you for report! https://github.com/kou-yeung/WebGLInput/releases/tag/1.2
i tried on ZenFone8 use Chrome. not encount this issue.
this error not from the plugins. UnityEngine.WebGLInput is supported by Unity.
no. ・copy text to clipboard by script is not a feature for WebGLInput. ・you can use "Clipboard API".( maybe need Promise ) ・FYR: https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_js_copy_clipboard.asp
no. When input a long text (around double size of text area) Unity was culling the text(invisible). so, in the input.Rebuild() function for TMP. have a workaround to make it...
Flashing alleviation. but not fixed yet flashing long text only.
the sample just setted "Line Space" to 5. i will test for TMP use MultiLine New Line and update the sample for Line Space setting.
demo updated. fix Line Space add TMP Input field sample
can you send me a reproduction project for this issue?
for mouse selection. WebGLInput have a option to support it. you can check on the "Show Html Element" flag to show a HTML element overlap on the input field. (this...