dotfiles copied to clipboard
my personal dotfiles, use at your own risk
my personal dotfiles, use at your own risk. These files are always evolving, there are currently a few issues with them, which probably will be fixed eventually.
showcase ( as of 2024-01-03 )
This branch includes a version of highlight.js in the .config/ags/modules directory, which was modified to work with gjs.
this list is probably incomplete.
show dependency list
wm related
- Hyprland
- GTK-theme: Catppuccin
- Icon-theme: MoreWaita
- Font: Cascadia Code NF
- ags: you need the git version, install all of its optional dependencies too
- dart-sass: needed to compile the scss files
- webkit2gtk-4.1: webview widget, needed for the rendering of the ChatGPT answers (optional)
- sptlrx: needed for the synced lyrics in the side bar (optional)
- vte3: terminal widget, needed for sptlrx display (optional)
- cava: audio visualizer (optional)
- brotab: firefox tab switcher (optional)
ags greeter
- greetd
- cage
ags lockscreen
- gtk-session-lock
- zsh
- starship
- eza (better ls, optional)
- bat (better cat, optional)
- zsh-autosuggestion
- zsh-syntax-highlighting
the following commands assume you have placed the files their correct location
# setup ags
cd .config/ags
ags -c ~/.config/ags/config.js --init
npm install
cp keys.template.js keys.js
#edit keys.js to your needs
# setup ags greetd
# copy .config/greetd to /etc/greetd