Yury Kostov
Yury Kostov
Everything is the same, only the iPhone is different (iPhone 10, iOS 16.6), all works fine, log: [iOS16_works.log](https://github.com/solid-software/flutter_vlc_player/files/14005962/iOS16_works.log) I think, the problem starts from these lines in [iOS17_failed.log](https://github.com/solid-software/flutter_vlc_player/files/14005377/iOS17_failed.log): ``` Unable...
Preliminary investigation results: now 'com.apple.developer.networking.multicast' entitlement is required for VLC to work correctly with RTSP-streams. Additional links: ``` https://code.videolan.org/videolan/VLCKit/-/issues/628 https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc-ios/-/issues/1419 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77396018/flutter-vlc-player-does-not-working-with-rtsp-streams-on-ios-17-0-17-0 (has reference to here :) ``` So, possible, we...
``` Future _setVideoSource(String path) async { try { await _player.reset(); _player.removeListener(_onPlayerValueChanged); await _player.setDataSource(path, autoPlay: true); _player.addListener(_onPlayerValueChanged); } catch (e) { Log.error('$e'); } } ``` It works perfectly -- for me.
> @MustafaGaber > I couldn't solve the problem, so I switched to use Media kit. It works with rtsp without any problems Mustafa, thank you very much: **media_kit** package is...