Could anybody recommend a decent alternative? I've browsed a few, but was unsure there is a bulletproof one - especially with all iOS concerns.
We got the same issue. For me it happens when you have an external mouse connected - MacOS reserves a width for the scroll bar. When you turn off/disconnect the...
We stumbled upon the very same issue. It really looks like a blocker for development team. Can anybody provide an actual status update on this? Or a temp workaround till...
Same here - It'd be nice to get a status update on this one. Thanks!
When is the expected release date for this feature?
@fjeldsoe , thanks a lot!
Same issue here - not sure what would be the best "fix" that wouldn't affect anything else
+1 . In addition, when we add a fade effect - we loose the ability to zoom with doubleclick.
Would be nice to have any updates or roadmap plans for this
Hello @danielroe . I'm not sure if this is related to this improvement or I should create a separate issue. Please let me know. I've created a [test project](https://codesandbox.io/s/nuxt3-playground-rc-8-8xvt77?file=/pages/red-page.vue) to...