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Logstash config and Kibana dashboard to visualize ADS-B signals. Your own receiver with dump1090 is required.

Flight Track - ADS-B Signal Visualization with Elastic Stack


ADS-B Receiver and Dump1090 Software

You must have set up your own ADS-B receiver and are receiving the signal by using dump1090. The installation instructions can be found here.

Elastic Stack

You must install Elasticsearch and Kibana version 6.0.0 or abover properly. Using Elastic Cloud could be a good alternative choise. Logstash 6.0.0 or higher will be used to fetch the airplace location periodically from the dump1090 and to ingest the data to Elasticsearch.

Setup and Run

Adjust Logstash Configuration File

  1. Open flight-track-logstash.conf by a text editor and set the URL of the dump1090 web service under the http_poller of the input plugin configuration.
  2. Go to the output plugin configuration and make sure the hosts setting of elasticsearch output is properly set.


Type in the below command to run dump1090 and logstash.

$ dump1090 --net --aggressive --quiet &
$ logstash -f flight-track-logstash.conf

Import Kibana Visuals and Dashboard

Type in the following command to load the dashboard into Kibana. It will create the index pattern, visualizations and the dashboard.

$ curl -XPOST -d @flight-track-kibana.json \
 "your_kibana_host:5601/api/kibana/dashboards/import" \
  -H 'kbn-xsrf: true' \
  -H 'Content-type: application/json'