Ondřej Košarko
Ondřej Košarko
When uploading large files, it eventually shows `Processing uploaded file(s)... (it's now safe to close this page)`. If you really do leave the page; and then come back; the file...
> "Þ" is not escaped correctly > "ð" is not escaped at all utf8 seems to be the default input encoding since 2019 (overleaf, texlive). Even if escaped correctly, you...
filters don't return what I'd expect them to...https://lindat.mff.cuni.cz/repository/xmlui/discover?rpp=10&etal=0&group_by=none&page=5&filtertype_0=author&filter_relational_operator_0=contains&filter_0=Haji%C4%8D%2C+Jan (the first item in the list does not have Jan Hajic as author)...added this through advanced search new filter, author contains...start typing...
Especially with the higer orders...the reported size is 1TB but the actual is 1,4TB
maybe none of the rest calls does?
- [ ] reasonable behavior when user cancels linking with the account - [ ] make the navigation/bread crumb larger ``` Serious Error Occurred Processing Request! org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Request processing failed;...
Even when there's only one supported locale... https://github.com/ufal/clarin-dspace/blob/clarin/dspace-xmlui/src/main/webapp/themes/UFAL/lib/xsl/core/navigation.xsl#L421
We keep the filters, but not the search query