Ondřej Košarko
Ondřej Košarko
I haven't found a way to set the orderBy param...
Not really tested, just elaborating on what's written in https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/DS-3353. `Constants.DELETE` mentioned in the issue is bit trickier...there's a note that it's "obsolete" in the code...so when checking for rights...
> On the topic of complex fields...I don't think the required flag behaves as it should; the requirements are not enforced if the whole field is not mandatory (it seems)....
items/0ffc5ac4-94bc-4fd9-8d90-f5a88c8c4984 has a publisher- `Shark: An IC&T 13+37 co.` the link from item view is:`/search?f.publisher=Shark:%20An%20IC&T%2013+37%20co.,equals` url "metacharacters" (`&+` in this example) should be treated properly. Not sure if the `:`...
I'll try tracking changes that require documentation (wiki) update in this issue - [ ] uuid vs numerical id (https://github.com/ufal/clarin-dspace/wiki/FineGrainedFieldPermissions) _Originally posted by @kosarko in https://github.com/ufal/clarin-dspace/pull/1025#discussion_r1105577459_ - [ ] matomo...
@milanmajchrak @vidiecan This field (`local.bitstream.redirectToURL`) was originally used to provide an alternative/faster way to provide files to users. The need for that was mostly replaced by using X-Sendfile (https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/start/topics/examples/x-accel/). In...
view:  vs  What about indexing? There used to be some special treatment in: https://github.com/ufal/clarin-dspace/blob/8a6ba5c98547942d7115b74cf4978e0b29ca50e4/dspace/solr/search/conf/schema.xml#L606 and https://github.com/ufal/clarin-dspace/blame/8a6ba5c98547942d7115b74cf4978e0b29ca50e4/dspace-api/src/main/java/cz/cuni/mff/ufal/dspace/discovery/SolrServiceTweaksPlugin.java#L241
probably fixed in upstream, see https://github.com/DSpace/dspace-angular/issues/1488 https://github.com/DSpace/dspace-angular/pull/1642
Editing an item (eg. its metadata) should add a record into provenance metadata.
## Expectation Use idp2 and “anon” as the username; the user should be logged in successfully, be in the “Authenticated” and “IDP2” groups (there’s no mapping for the unscoped-affiliation with...