Maciej Korycinski
Maciej Korycinski
@IKarbowiak great work! Looks great. I am super happy that we are going on simplify the attributes flow!
Personally, I would say, that `sale` should not be a part of pricing. The effect of applying discount from `sale` is something that belongs to `pricing` (like `price` on `VariantPricingInfo`...
Hey @ibtsam0018 It is already possible. You can use filter input for this: ```graphql query search_products { products( first: 50, channel:"default-channel", filter: {ids: ["UHJvZHVjdDoxNTI=", "UHJvZHVjdDoxMzQ="]} ) { totalCount edges {...
Double checked the issue and it still exists.
To provide here more context. Unpaid orders can be created via public API (if enabled for specific channel). The unpaid order has status `unconfirmed`. When order doesn't receive new payment...
Link to internal discussion:
Bug: `CheckoutLineDiscount` is not deleted when sale is not applicable on checkout's channel anymore
Tested on 3.14, result with the same issue
Bug: `CheckoutLineDiscount` is not deleted when sale is not applicable on checkout's channel anymore
Also same issue happens, when: Sale is deleted/Sale has passed the end date.
Internal link reference
Looks good ✅ (can't approve own PR 😅 )