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A C++, compile-time, reactive RTOS for the Stack Resource Policy based Real-Time For the Masses kernel

Results 11 crect issues
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* Programming examples * How to design a system based on `crect` * Maybe YouTube tutorials?


I am very excited to try SRP-style scheduling for more of my projects. The majority of applications I work on involve some form of mainstream wireless communication (bluetooth, wifi, etc)....

Cortex-M0(+) support is added from commit 46f24eb6af25896113e957d3868e85a1eb0045ad but it is not well tested. **TODO:** * Add Cortex-M0(+) examples * Write in the README about special requitements for Cortex-M0(+)


Add a debug mode for lock / claim / unique_lock, use IPSR to check that the ISR number is allowed to take the resource.


If resources can be considered to "live" inside `crect`, then there will not be need for any global structures, as is done in the `blinky` example right now. More or...


Currently all jobs and resources are both the interface to the users and to the internal implementation. Decouple it to allow for a frontend / backend way instead and to...


Should be using reference wrappers to not be dependent on user to use `auto &`


It is common that users do not see the distinction between `using J1` (meta information) / `void job1` (function name), so to make it easier to use `pend()` should be...


Adding simple message passing is an overlooked feature that really should already be there. Needs adding.
