logue-sdk copied to clipboard
Time out with logue-cli.exe and NTS-1 on Windows
Describe the bug Communication times out.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior (at least what I think I did):
- install
- download
and a module - connect the NTS-1 to the computer and launch the
sub command
Expected behavior The module is loaded on the NTS-1.
$ ./logue-cli.exe
Usage: logue-cli <command> [options]
check: Validate unit packaging.
probe: Obtain information about a connected logue-sdk compatible device.
load: Load specified unit onto a connected logue-sdk compatible device.
clear: Clear unit data from a connected logue-sdk compatible device.
Use -h/--help along with a command to obtain detailed usage information.
$ ./logue-cli.exe probe -l
Available MIDI inputs:
in 0: NTS-1 digital kit KBD/KNOB 0
Available MIDI ouputs:
out 0: NTS-1 digital kit SOUND 0
$ ./logue-cli.exe probe -i 0 -o 0
> Device: nutekt digital
> System version: 1.20
> Logue API version: 1.01-0
> Available modules:
Modulation FX: [ slot_count: 16, max_payload_size: 8180, max_load_size: 6144 ]
Delay FX: [ slot_count: 8, max_payload_size: 16368, max_load_size: 12288 ]
Reverb FX: [ slot_count: 8, max_payload_size: 16368, max_load_size: 12288 ]
Oscillator: [ slot_count: 16, max_payload_size: 36848, max_load_size: 32768 ]
$ ./logue-cli.exe probe -m osc -i 0 -o 0
> Device: nutekt digital
> System version: 1.20
> Logue API version: 1.01-0
> Oscillator status:
[0]: "waves" v1.00-0 api:1.00-0 did:00000000 uid:00000000
[1]: free.
[2]: free.
[3]: free.
[4]: free.
[5]: free.
[6]: free.
[7]: free.
[8]: free.
[9]: free.
[10]: free.
[11]: free.
[12]: free.
[13]: free.
[14]: free.
[15]: free.
$ ./logue-cli.exe check -u ../../a_free_osc_vbass.ntkdigunit
> Parsing nutekt digital unit archive
> Parsing manifest
> Parsing unit binary payload
> Looks okay.
$ ./logue-cli.exe load -u ../../a_free_osc_vbass.ntkdigunit -i 0 -o 0
> Parsing nutekt digital unit archive
> Parsing manifest
> Parsing unit binary payload
> Handshaking...
> Target platform: "nutekt digital"
> Target module: "Oscillator"
> No slot specified, using first available.
size: 117c crc32: 1b543727
Error: Unit load request timed out.
Error: Failed to load unit.