torch-svm copied to clipboard
When I execute "luarocks install svm-0.1-0.rockspec" to implement SVM, then I met the error: _Using svm-0.1-0.rockspec... switching to 'build' mode Error: File not found: [email protected]:koraykv/torch-svm.git_ Please help me to fix...
Hi, I'm trying to estimate probabilities using liblinear by passing '-b 1' as an option but getting a nil error. - \- liblinear.predict(test_data,model ['-b 1']) like this. Am I writing...
Also added the possibility to load a libsvm file with column indices starting in zero (1 is still the default), like in scikit-learn's load_svmlight_file.
Nice to have a scale() function for libsmv and liblinear like the original. Would do it but in very early "nob" stage with all this and requires c-programming which i...
Summary: Fixes compile errors when building. Test Plan: ``` bash ∴ luarocks install svm-0.1-0.rockspec Using svm-0.1-0.rockspec... switching to 'build' mode Cloning into 'torch-svm'... remote: Counting objects: 72, done. remote: Compressing...
We must pop the element at the top of lua stack, otherwise libsvm.predict(d,model,'-b 1') won't work.
To fix: 1. remove the ADD_TORCH_DOK line from the top-level CMakeLists.txt 2. add lua to dependencies of svmutil, i.e change line 15 in top-level CMakeLists.txt to TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(svmutil lua luaT TH)