Yes I understand that. I must be aware of all the change I am facing doing a react native application but I am aware this project needs more contributors. So...
Thanks for sharing, I will study it, thanks and best!
```diff - autoCompleteType="email" + autocompletetype="email" ``` This remove the warning. Is that ok? Thanks for your time.
I have just tried to install the v10 through the plugin section according to comment https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin/issues/3798#issuecomment-742776788 While trying to install the plugin through the jellyfin UI, I have a 404...
> Did you use 10.7 or 10.6? v10 is for 10.7 only. I am using `Version: 10.6.4`, I have tried to upgrade the image to `linuxserver/jellyfin:latest` in Docker hub, no...
> That's exactly how I have my system set up, so it should still work I am retrying with v9 and as you said, I was able to save the...
That makes sens, I am using `linuxserver` because they have a better handling of uuid/guid in general, I have not tried the official image and I am afraid to break...
> This is most likely since you have not registered module jackson-datatype-jsr310 (from https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-modules-java8). Without it, Java 8 type Instant is not supoorted, as databind only requires Java 7 and...
My class look like this : ```java public abstract class VersionId extends LongId implements Cloneable { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VersionId.class); @Version @NotNull @JdbcType(BIGINT) @Column(name = "VERSION") private...
Using `@JsonUnwrapped` allow me to have the date like this : "createdDate": "2017-03-22T06:04:30.369Z", Instead of _something like_ "createdDate": { "instant": "2017-03-22T06:04:30.369Z" } But the json schema is still invalid. Why...