Daniel Koo
Daniel Koo
Thanks @davinod! Great suggestion. In fact, we have internal code that does this already so we should be able to add it fairly easily. We'll try to include it in...
@saltysoup thanks for this. We will make the change in the docs as well as website.
The underlying data is fetched from AWS so upon restart of the service, fresh data can be fetched. You will however lose the historical snapshot data so this can be...
Thanks @saltysoup, testing us-east-1 as default would be great. We will also take a deeper look and follow up.
Thanks for testing @saltysoup! We will take a look and determine what changes are needed.
Is this still needed?
We should test large responses with node-XMLHttpRequest since it failed before.
Here's the PR causing the instability - https://github.com/FINRAOS/MSL/pull/66
We should generate encrypted user/pass and include them in travis yml
Work on after #60