tackle-test-generator-cli copied to clipboard
tkltest-unit generate ctd-amplified error: NoSuchFileException: /modules/modules
Describe the bug
Ran the CLI command: tkltest-unit --verbose --config-file ./tkltest_config.toml generate ctd-amplified
Snippet of trace w/ error (NoSuchFileException):
[tkltest|19:31:08.080] Generating tests for app library-tackletest using config file ./tkltest_config.toml. [tkltest|19:31:08.099] Computing coverage goals using CTD
CTD interaction level: 1 [tkltest|19:31:10.479] ERROR: Computing CTD coverage goals failed: Command '"C:\dev\java17\bin\java" -Xmx2048m -cp c:\dev\unittesttools\tackletest\tackle-test-generator-cli\tkltest-lib\tackle-test-generator-unit-main-SNAPSHOT.jar; ' returned non-zero exit status 1. java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /modules/modules
The following attachment has my sample java project w/ its pom file, the tackle test config file & log file & folder, tkltest-output... Note that I removed the target folder and classes
Following has the target folder and classes: target.zip
Environment information
- CLI version: v2.4.4
- OS: Lenovo Laptop w/ Windows 10 Enterprise installed (64-bit operating system, x64-based processor)
- Python version: 3.9.13
- Java version: 17.0.8
- Apache Maven version: 3.6.3
Again, I ran the command: tkltest-unit --verbose --config-file ./tkltest_config.toml generate ctd-amplified
Following is the output from the cli command: tackle-test-issue-output.pdf
This is the same problem as reported in issue 328.
Can you downgrade your JDK to version 11? we support and ave tested with versions 8-11 only.