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A JSON ODM (object document mapper) for JavaScript to use on the server or in the browser.
by Konsultaner, Richard Burkhardt
This Project aims to be provide a json object document mapper.
Why would I need this?
There are many cases where you do not want to have the server query your data. You may also see this mapper as a fancy way to filter your data or prepare a view model.
The original use case was an ionic app that was not interactive so providing a server backend was not needed, but structuring my data
into joinable collections seemed very helpful.
And if you can use a server you may consider our new WebSocket server project "connectanum" for Publish/Subscribe and RPC communication
If you like the project please support it with a star here on GitHub
If commercial support is needed please contact me.
You can find the documentation here or compiled to the folder /docs/gen/*.
Road map
- [ ] Implement query methods from mongo db
- [x] Comparison 100%
- [x] $eq
- [x] $gt
- [x] $gte
- [x] $lt
- [x] $lte
- [x] $ne
- [x] $in
- [x] $nin
- [x] Logical 100%
- [x] $or
- [x] $and
- [x] $not(= $nand as alias)
- [x] $nor
- [x] Element 100% (+ $isNull, for is null or undefined)
- [x] $exists
- [x] $type
- [x] Evaluation 100%
- [x] $mod
- [x] $regex
- [x] $text
- [x] $where
- [x] Geospatial 50% (maybe have a hard and a soft check -> performance)
- [x] $geoWithin
- [x] $geoIntersects
- [ ] $near
- [ ] $nearSphere
- [ ] Array 0% i may not implement the first two
- [ ] $all
- [ ] $elementMatch
- [ ] $size
- [ ] Aggregation
- [ ] Pipeline 30% ($limit and $skip is implemented as $result(skip,limit))
- [x] $project
- [ ] $match
- [ ] $redact
- [x] $limit
- [x] $skip
- [ ] $unwind
- [ ] $sort
- [ ] $geoNear
- [ ] $out
- [ ] Grouping 70% ($count is used to count the results)
- [x] $group
- [x] $count
- [x] $sum
- [x] $avg
- [ ] $first
- [ ] $last
- [x] $min
- [x] $max
- [x] $push
- [ ] $addToSet
- [ ] Operators 20% ($mod is renamed $modulo, because Evaluation has a $mod)
- [ ] Boolean
- [ ] Set
- [ ] Comparison
- [x] Arithmetic
- [x] String
- [ ] Array
- [ ] Date
- [ ] Conditional
- [ ] Variable
- [ ] Grouping
- [ ] Pipeline 30% ($limit and $skip is implemented as $result(skip,limit))
- [x] Comparison 100%
- [ ] Support Promise/A+ sources for the odm.addSource
- [ ] Full CRUD support
- [ ] Aggregation
Install from NPM-Package
npm install json-odm
Build and run tests, both minified and unminified
Since PhantomJs has been archived, jsonOdm needed to switch to chrome headless for its test. To run tests have Chrome installed!
npm install json-odm
cd npm_modules/json-odm/
npm install
Browser Support
Unit test ran successfully under Chrome,iOS7+,IE9+,Firefox,Android 4.4.2+
To be tested: Safari on OSX, IE8(test driver does not run in IE < 9 so it will be hard to test)
This is only a basic example. Find a lot more in the docs, i.e. how to use $geoWithin
<!-- add minified version from https://github.com/konsultaner/jsonOdm/tree/master/bin to the html head -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/json.odm.min.js"></script>
// initialize The mapper
var odm = new jsonOdm();
// add a source to the mapper
"Person" : [
"Jobs" : [
"Hobbies" : [
// instantiate a collection object
var people = new odm.Collection('Person');
var q = people.$query();
// get all hairdresser and plumber
var hairdresser = q.$or(
// get all but hairdressers and plumbers
var hairdresser = q.$and(
// delete all plumbers