lovelace-vertical-slider-cover-card copied to clipboard
Cover card with homekit style vertical position slider (best with panel-mode but normal-mode works also)
Vertical Slider Cover Card by ( -VI)
Panel View screenshot
Card screenshot
Color Guidelines
Color Picker Helper (Google)
Your covers have to support close_cover
, open_cover
and set_cover_position
Normally, this means attributes.supported_features
is at least 7 or greater.
Name | Type | Requirement | Description | Default |
type | string | Required | custom:vertical-slider-cover-card |
title | string | Required | Title | |
entities | list | Required | Cover entities to show as slider in card | |
- entity | string | Required | Cover's entity_id |
name | string | Optional | Custom name for every cover | friendly_name |
script | string | Optional | Call additional script on every position change (3) | null |
Sidebar area | ||||
showSidebar | boolean | Optional | Show or hide side bar (1) | true |
sideColor1 | string | Optional | Upper-left color of sidebar (~) | #ffcccc |
sideColor2 | string | Optional | Lower-right color of sidebar (~) | #b30000 |
icon | string | Optional | Icon to show on side bar | mdi:blinds |
iconSize | string | Optional | Font size of icon on side bar | 28px |
iconColor | string | Optional | Color of icon on side bar | theme |
titleSize | string | Optional | Font size of title | 40px |
titleFontColor | string | Optional | Font color of title | theme |
countText | string | Optional | Text to show follow number of covers open | covers open |
countTextFontColor | string | Optional | Font color of text to show follow number | theme |
showButton | boolean | Optional | Show Home button at bottom of side bar | false |
closedBaseline | byte | Optional | Cover with positon higher is counted as open | 0 |
buttonText | string | Optional | Text to show on button | Home |
buttonFontColor | string | Optional | Font color of button | theme |
buttonPath | string | Optional | Path of Lovelace View when click button | /lovelace/0 |
buttonService | string | Optional | Service to call (overide buttonPath if any) | null |
buttonData | string | Optional | Service data to call | null |
Cover area | ||||
background | string | Optional | Card background in hex (# or hsl with opacity) | transparent |
panelType | boolean | Optional | Try to center all sliders (gapWidth will be ignored) |
true |
gapWidth | string | Optional | Width of Space between 2 cover sliders | 50px |
positionHeight | string | Optional | Height of each slider in px | 300px |
positionWidth | string | Optional | Width of each slider in px | 100px |
openColor | string | Optional | Color of lower slider bar (~) | hsl(0, 0%, 90%, 0.8) |
closedColor | string | Optional | Color of upper slider bar (~) | hsl(0, 0%, 20%) |
openBaseline | integer | Optional | (2) | 0 |
showSwitch | boolean | Optional | Show STOP switch under every covers | true |
switchWidth | string | Optional | Width of Stop button at bottom | positionWidth |
switchHeight | string | Optional | Height of Stop button at bottom | switchWidth |
switchColor | string | Optional | Background color of Stop button (~) | sideColor2 |
switchFontColor | string | Optional | Font color of Stop button at bottom | theme |
showName | boolean | Optional | Show/hide the name of cover | true |
showPosition | boolean | Optional | Show/hide the position (number) of cover | true |
INSTALL USING HACS (recommended)
Add this repo to HACS custom repositories.
Card is in HACS default.
Category: Frontend
Hướng dẫn cài đặt và sử dụng HACS trong Home Assistant có thể xem ở đây (VI - HACS Guide):
Download vertical-slider-cover-card.js and add it to your /config/wwww/vertical-slider-cover-card (make new dir if it does not exist).
In Home Assistant Dashboard Resource, add resource path /local/vertical-slider-cover-card/vertical-slider-cover-card.js, type: module.
- url: /local/vertical-slider-cover-card/vertical-slider-cover-card.js
type: module
In Lovelace, add new Manual card. Replace new card content with sample configuration below. Change the entities.
In View option, check Panel mode if you want do display card in full width.
#example configuration
##minimum configuration
type: 'custom:vertical-slider-cover-card'
title: Garage
- entity: cover.garage_shutter
##more customized
type: 'custom:vertical-slider-cover-card'
background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)'
showButton: true
buttonPath: /lovelace/0
buttonText: Home
#Call service instead of navigating -> comment 1 line above & uncomment all belows
#buttonText: CLOSE
#buttonService: cover.close_cover
#buttonData: 'cover.office_left_blinds,cover.office_right_blinds,cover.basement_shutter'
countText: 'covers open'
closedBaseline: 5
icon: 'mdi:blinds'
iconSize: 40px
panelType: true
showSidebar: true
positionHeight: 300px
positionWidth: 100px
gapWidth: 50px
switchHeight: 80px
switchWidth: 100px
showSwitch: true
sideColor1: '#ffcccc'
sideColor2: '#b30000'
openColor: 'hsl(0, 0%, 20%, 0.8)'
closedColor: 'hsl(0, 0%, 90%)'
title: Covers
titleSize: 40px
- entity: cover.office_left_blinds
name: Left Blinds
- entity: cover.office_right_blinds
name: Right Blinds
- entity: cover.basement_shutter
name: Basement Shutter
script: script.disable_alarm_for_5_min
(1) You might want to hide side bar (showSidebar: false) to have 2 or 3 covers in same card on mobile.
(2) openBaseline - some covers stop at position 2 or 1 instead of 0. When set, any cover with current_position greater than openBaseline will be counted as open.
(3) when declared, script will be called simutaneously with cover.set_position
service (which is used to set cover to desired position). You might want to use this script option to, for example, temporarily disable mid-night open door alarm.
Example of script:
alias: Disarm alarm panel for 5 mins
mode: single
sequence: #Home Assistant >= 0.113
#try to save current state of alarm_panel
- service: scene.create
scene_id: door_alarm_panel_state
- alarm_control_panel.door_alarm
- data: {}
entity_id: alarm_control_panel.door_alarm
service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_disarm
- delay: '00:05:00'
#set it back
- scene: scene.door_alarm_panel_state
icon: mdi:alarm-note-off
Customize to suit your needs and contribute it back to the community.
Found issue? Please raise an issue in this repository or send me email to [email protected]
Any suggestion and comment are warmly welcome and appreciated!
Have some appearance issues on Firefox. Please try with caution!
Change hard-coded styles and clean codes (done somehow)
Remove unnecessary css and js blocks
Support input_number and light entities in Home Assistant
Many Thanks to DBuit!
This card is based on his lights-card at:
Support (just for fun!)
Hey dude! Help me out for a couple of :beers: or a :coffee: (:coffee: is preferred, have enough beers this year)!