Dilshod Komilov
Dilshod Komilov
> It seems this PR is addressing a specific use case for you. > In the next release of WebApi Aspnetcore v8.x, we will have the ability to inject a...
> > > It seems this PR is addressing a specific use case for you. > > > In the next release of WebApi Aspnetcore v8.x, we will have the...
> @komdil Can you please look at the review comments., thanks @Sreejithpin The tests are failing. It looks this solution will not work for solving this problem. I don't have...
I have the same problem. It would be good to fix it soon
Workarround provied here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65351595/how-to-set-decimal-precision-in-odata/65878710#65878710
> @komdil Do we need to set CustomODataPrimitiveSerializer to the EDM model? or just adding the below code will work which is shared [here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65351595/how-to-set-decimal-precision-in-odata?answertab=active#tab-top)? > > ``` > public static...
> @komdil Yes, but only adding this code does not solve my problem. My question is do we need to configure the **CustomODataPrimitiveSerializer** anywhere? Yes, you need to set it...
Any comments?
Is there any updates here?