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A pure Dart utility library that checks for an internet connection by opening a socket to a list of specified addresses, each with individual port and timeout. Defaults are provided for convenience.

Results 20 data_connection_checker issues
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DataConnectionChecker().onStatusChange.listen always returns 'DataConnectionStatus.disconnected ' status when the application is in the background.

I just migrated this package to dart null safety and fixed all warnings. You can publish this version in addition to main version in pub

flutter: No internet :( Reason: flutter: [AddressCheckResult(AddressCheckOptions(InternetAddress('', IPv4), 53, 0:00:10.000000), false), AddressCheckResult(AddressCheckOptions(InternetAddress('', IPv4), 53, 0:00:10.000000), false), AddressCheckResult(AddressCheckOptions(InternetAddress('', IPv4), 53, 0:00:10.000000), false)] I am using a school wifi connection and data_connection_checker...

It would be a great enhancement if you could add a property to add custom addresses instead of the default ones. example code would be: ``` DataConnectionChecker(ipAddresses:[]); ```

Hello, please check the screenshot, it's from my app . Apple is mysterious in their review process, I haven't changed anything in networking for 20 updates, and now they...

Hello, Please take into account that in Flutter 1.22 next breaking change is coming, so please consider about applying next changes: ![image](

A SocketException is thrown whenever I call the hasConnection method when the device is offline. ``` class NetworkInfoImpl implements NetworkInfo{ final DataConnectionChecker connectionChecker; NetworkInfoImpl(this.connectionChecker); @override Future get isConnected => connectionChecker.hasConnection;...

If mobile data is on, and the data has gone. The plugin shows that there is internet connectivity.

The [connectivity]( package does not support native dart. Can you add the option to check if the device have network? (internet DataConnectionChecker will stay the same). It will be very...