fluency copied to clipboard
Fluency - emit() failed due to buffer full. Flushing buffer. Please try again.
Hi, I got this problem, how to deal with it, please.
It is hitting these logs a lot all the time.
Then checked source, maybe it append the data which its size is more than MaxBufferSize? How can it append the data which is more than MaxBufferSize(256M) one time ?
Looking forward to getting your reply
Thank you
Here is config. `
<appender name="FLUENCY_SYNC" class="ch.qos.logback.more.appenders.FluencyLogbackAppender">
<!-- Tag for Fluentd. Farther information: http://docs.fluentd.org/articles/config-file -->
<!-- 微服务名 -->
<!-- [Optional] Label for Fluentd. Farther information: http://docs.fluentd.org/articles/config-file -->
<!-- Host name/address and port number which Fluentd placed -->
<!-- [Optional] Multiple name/addresses and port numbers which Fluentd placed
<!-- [Optional] Additional fields(Pairs of key: value) -->
<!-- 环境 -->
<!-- [Optional] Configurations to customize Fluency's behavior: https://github.com/komamitsu/fluency#usage -->
<!-- <fileBackupDir>/tmp</fileBackupDir> -->
<!-- [Optional] Enable/Disable use of EventTime to get sub second resolution of log event date-time -->
<!-- [Optional] Enable/Disable use the of JVM Heap for buffering -->
<!-- [Optional] If true, Map Marker is expanded instead of nesting in the marker name -->
<!-- [Optional] default "marker" -->
<!-- [Optional] Message encoder if you want to customize message -->
<pattern><![CDATA[%-5level %logger{50}#%line %message]]></pattern>
<!-- [Optional] Message field key name. Default: "message" -->
<appender name="FLUENCY" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.AsyncAppender">
<!-- Max queue size of logs which is waiting to be sent (When it reach to the max size, the log will be disappeared). -->
<!-- Never block when the queue becomes full. -->
<!-- The default maximum queue flush time allowed during appender stop.
If the worker takes longer than this time it will exit, discarding any remaining items in the queue.
10000 millis
<appender-ref ref="FLUENCY_SYNC"/>
@xerial @komamitsu @jglick @mach-kernel please help
Then checked source, maybe it append the data which its size is more than MaxBufferSize? How can it append the data which is more than MaxBufferSize(256M) one time ?
Do you think you appended such a huge log data at once?
If no, I guess the following things happened
- Your Fluency instance tried to send log data to your Fluentd
- But it kept to fail due to network issue or something
- The unsent data were buffered
- The internal buffer pool in Fluency got empty
- The buffer full exception occurred
Probably some network error log messages were output before the buffer full error messages.
And it's hard to support you because you use FluencyLogbackAppender
and I'm not familiar with it. It would be great if you create a minimum code w/o FluencyLogbackAppender
to reproduce this issue.
@komamitsu thank you for you reply. I am sure there is not a so big log data ( more than 256M),I think it maybe that the unsent data are accumulated into a big data, so it is keeping failing. Is it possible about that?
the code has a comment, what's that meaning? And is it possible that there is a problem about this code ?
I think I figured it out. There is a problem about "flushInternal" method.
I had a test which occurred the problem. Here is the config:
bufferChunkInitialSize 200K bufferChunkRetentionSize 2000K maxBufferSize 6000K
set fluentd wrong config (mock error)
loop print log
for (int i = 0; i < 10000000L; i++) {
run for a while, it occurs.
Then I track the source to find the problem.
normalizedBuffersize is 400K allocatedSize is 5613K maxBufferSize is 6000K
normalizedBuffersize + allocatedSize > maxBufferSize
then it will releaseBuffers() and throw an error later.
It stands to reason that the allocatedSize will be released next time, it will run normally.
but the allocatedSize is not be released.
then it will print the log '[AsyncAppender-Worker-FLUENCY] ERROR org.komamitsu.fluency.Fluency - emit() failed due to buffer full. Flushing buffer. Please try again...',
so go into a cycle and keep printing the log.
but why the allocatedSize is not be released?
cause ingester.ingest(tag, dataBuffer) error (fluentd error),
bufferPool.returnBuffer(flushableBuffer.getByteBuffer()) doesn't run,
the bufferPool can't offer the bytebuffer, so the allocatedSize can't be released
if fluentd error can't recover, it will keep printing
And I think it is a good design, it can protect our memory, and it is also a Compensation Mechanism(when fluentd recover, the unsent log will resend)
Here is the reason I found
Thank you again.