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Scala GUID generator for large systems
Scala global unique identifier (GUID) generator for large systems.
Ride uses Mongo Object ID algorithm to generate globally unique IDs with a custom base32 serialization to make it shorter when transported as a string. See docs.
Internally it consists of:
- first 4 bytes representing the seconds since the Unix epoch
- next 3 bytes are the current machine identifier (hostname)
- next 2 bytes are process ID
- the last 3 bytes are counter, starting with a random value.
The binary representation of the ID is compatible with Mongo 12 bytes Object IDs. The string representation is using base32 hex (w/o padding) for better space efficiency when stored in that form (20 bytes). The hex variant of base32 is used to retain the sortable property of the ID.
- Size: 12 bytes (96 bits). See comparison
- Guaranteed uniqueness for 16,777,216 (24 bits) IDs per second and per host/process
- Base32 hex encoded by default (20 chars when transported as printable string, sortable)
- K-ordered
- No need to set up a unique machine and/or data center ID
- Embedded time with 1 second precision
- Lock-free
In your build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "com.github.kolotaev" %% "ride" % "$VERSION_YOU_NEED"
Generating IDs
import com.github.kolotaev.ride.Id
val guid = Id()
// String => b8uhqvioith6uqnvvvq0
// => Array[Byte] = Array(90, 61, 29, 126, 88, -105, 98, 111, 106, -1, -1, -12)
// Byte representation of ID
val ids = Array.fill[Id](3) { Id() }
// Array(b8ui8kioith721fvvvj0, b8ui8kioith721fvvvjg, b8ui8kioith721fvvvk0)
Reproducing IDs
val guid2 = Id("b8uhqvioith6uqnvvvq0")
println(guid == guid2)
// true. guid and guid2 are considered equal objects, since they represent the same Id value
println(s"$guid" == s"$guid2")
// true. guid and guid2 are the same strings
// Creating ID from malformed string throws IllegalArgumentException exception
val guid3 = Id("bad-string")
// Id can be reconstructed with byte-array representation (useful when you save it as bytes, for example in DB)
val guid4 = Id(Array[Byte](90, 61, 13, 107, 88, -105, 98, 106, -53, -1, -1, -3))
// Creating ID from incorrect byte-array throws IllegalArgumentException exception
val guid5 = Id(Array[Byte](90, 61, 13))
Obtaining embedded info
// => java.time.LocalDateTime = 2017-12-22T23:58:06
// Local time embedded into ID
// => Array[Byte] = Array(88, -105, 98)
// Prints PID embedded into ID. It's a truncated version of the real PID
// Array[Byte] = Array(88, -105, 98)
// Stored machine identifier bytes
// Int = 56
Ride implements Serializable
and Ordered[T]
Comparison with other unique identifiers
UUIDs are 16 bytes (128 bits) and 36 chars as string representation. Twitter Snowflake IDs are 8 bytes (64 bits) but require machine/data-center configuration and/or central generator servers. Ride stands in between with 12 bytes (96 bits) and a more compact URL-safe string representation (20 chars). No configuration or central generator server is required so it can be used directly in server's code.
Name | Binary Size | String Size | Features |
UUID | 16 bytes | 36 chars | configuration free, not sortable |
Snowflake | 8 bytes | up to 20 chars | needs machine/data-center configuration, needs central server, sortable |
MongoID | 12 bytes | 24 chars | configuration free, sortable |
Ride | 12 bytes | 20 chars | configuration free, sortable |
Approximate relative performance metrics.
Name | x10 | x100 | x1000 | x100,000 | x1,000,000 | x10,000,000 |
java.util UUID v4 | 6 msec | 6 msec | 10 msec | 212 msec | 1910 msec | 20 sec |
java.util UUID v3 | 1 msec | 3 msec | 15 msec | 92 msec | 439 msec | 4 sec |
Ride | 9 msec | 10 msec | 15 msec | 36 msec | 107 msec | 0.86 sec |
The library is a JVM implementation of the awesome Golang library xid.
The source code is licensed under the MIT License.