Andrey Kolkov

Results 36 issues of Andrey Kolkov

I recreated this package as Angular CLI standard library project with demo app and simple tests. I can make pull request or we can simple continue developing this project in...

Hi! Please provide some basic example how to work with this library properly. How to create basic Kernel and use it into computation with GPU. Thanks!

``` GOROOT=C:/Go GOPATH=D:/Go C:/Go\bin\go.exe build -i -o C:\Users\Andy\AppData\Local\Temp\___Unnamed.exe # gcc: error: FilesNVIDIA: No such file or directory gcc: error: GPU: No such file or directory gcc: error: Computing:...

Please update code for paginator correct working... ``` loadLessons(courseId:number, filter:string, sortDirection:string, pageIndex:number, pageSize:number) {; this.coursesService.findLessons(courseId, filter, sortDirection, pageIndex, pageSize).pipe( catchError(() => of([])), finalize(() => ) .subscribe((lessonList: LessionList) =>...

Hi! I can't see `Upsert` method in the model query. Is it possible to add it to this type of query? Thanks!

Hi! How to use builder with this query? `SELECT * FROM `dislocation` WHERE `status`='init' ORDER BY `operation_time` ASC LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED`

Hi! Please add to query builder new construction to check is row exist or not like described below: Thanks!

Hi! I can't find any solutions for build UPDATE JOIN queries with query builder.

How to use this function (`UUID_TO_BIN`) to store in query biulder? Is it possible?