Neil Kolban

Results 26 comments of Neil Kolban

Howdy my friend ... let's see if we can get a handle on the puzzle. I'm assuming that you are running the sftp demon/code on a Compute Engine within GCP....

Okly ... I'm imagining you are running the demon on a Compute Engine on GCP. I am imagining that the Compute Engine is running a Linux OS such as Debian....

I think a screen share will be great. Its 3:18pm on Thursday afternoon. You can email me at [email protected] or try and use Google Chat at the same address. I...

All right chums ... looking at it now. See also #2 What the SFTP specification says is that an SFTP client (eg. Filezilla) can send in multiple requests concurrently without...

On of my users of a project that I manage that is based on SSH2 just reported the same symptoms. This is just a "+1" on this issue. Will be...

While we wait for a proper fix, here is a horrible hack that appears to work for me. 1. Create a tmp folder on Linux 2. Create a file called...