vscode-phpfmt copied to clipboard
Integrates phpfmt into VS Code
phpfmt for Visual Studio Code
The missing phpfmt extension for Visual Studio Code.
Open command palette <kbd>
and select Extensions: Install Extension
, then search for phpfmt.
Note: PHP >= 5.6 and < 8.0 is required.
-> phpfmt: Format This File
or keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + I
which is Visual Studio Code default formatter shortcut
or right mouse context menu Format Document
or Format Selection
Format On Save
Respects editor.formatOnSave
You can turn off format-on-save on a per-language basis by scoping the setting:
// Set the default
"editor.formatOnSave": false,
// Enable per-language
"[php]": {
"editor.formatOnSave": true
Q: How to use phpfmt.php_bin
with spaces such as C:\Program Files\php\php.exe
A: Wrap your path with quotes like:
"phpfmt.php_bin": "\"C:\\Program Files\\php\\php.exe\""
It is recommended to add the directory of the php.exe
to the PATH environment variable on Windows.
If it still not working, refer to #1 and Stack Overflow Related.
Q: How use tabs instead of spaces with PSR2 enabled ? A: For PSR2, code MUST use 4 spaces for indenting, not tabs. But if you like PSR2, and do not like 4 spaces for indentation, add following configuration:
"phpfmt.passes": [
"phpfmt.exclude": [
"phpfmt.psr2": false
Q: Is fmt.phar (phpfmt itself) still maintained ? A: Since phpfmt has no maintainers, only Serious bugs will be fixed.
Key | Type | Description | Default |
phpfmt.php_bin | string |
php executable path | "php" |
phpfmt.detect_indent | boolean |
auto detecting indent type and size (will ignore indent_with_space) | false |
phpfmt.psr1 | boolean |
activate PSR1 style | false |
phpfmt.psr1_naming | boolean |
activate PSR1 style - Section 3 and 4.3 - Class and method names case. | false |
phpfmt.psr2 | boolean |
activate PSR2 style | true |
phpfmt.indent_with_space | integer | boolean |
use spaces instead of tabs for indentation. Default 4 | 4 |
phpfmt.enable_auto_align | boolean |
enable auto align of ST_EQUAL and T_DOUBLE_ARROW | false |
phpfmt.visibility_order | boolean |
fixes visibiliy order for method in classes - PSR-2 4.2 | false |
phpfmt.passes | array |
call specific compiler pass | [] |
phpfmt.exclude | array |
disable specific passes | [] |
phpfmt.smart_linebreak_after_curly | boolean |
convert multistatement blocks into multiline blocks | false |
phpfmt.yoda | boolean |
yoda-style comparisons | false |
phpfmt.cakephp | boolean |
Apply CakePHP coding style | false |
phpfmt.custom_arguments | string |
provide custom arguments to overwrite default arguments generated by config | "" |
Supported Transformations
-> phpfmt: List Transformations
to get the example of each
Key | Description |
AddMissingParentheses | Add extra parentheses in new instantiations. |
AliasToMaster | Replace function aliases to their masters - only basic syntax alias. |
AlignConstVisibilityEquals | Vertically align "=" of visibility and const blocks. |
AlignDoubleArrow | Vertically align T_DOUBLE_ARROW (=>). |
AlignDoubleSlashComments | Vertically align "//" comments. |
AlignEquals | Vertically align "=". |
AlignGroupDoubleArrow | Vertically align T_DOUBLE_ARROW (=>) by line groups. |
AlignPHPCode | Align PHP code within HTML block. |
AlignTypehint | Vertically align function type hints. |
AllmanStyleBraces | Transform all curly braces into Allman-style. |
AutoPreincrement | Automatically convert postincrement to preincrement. |
AutoSemicolon | Add semicolons in statements ends. |
CakePHPStyle | Applies CakePHP Coding Style |
ClassToSelf | "self" is preferred within class, trait or interface. |
ClassToStatic | "static" is preferred within class, trait or interface. |
ConvertOpenTagWithEcho | Convert from "<?=" to "<?php echo ". |
DocBlockToComment | Replace docblocks with regular comments when used in non structural elements. |
DoubleToSingleQuote | Convert from double to single quotes. |
EchoToPrint | Convert from T_ECHO to print. |
EncapsulateNamespaces | Encapsulate namespaces with curly braces |
GeneratePHPDoc | Automatically generates PHPDoc blocks |
IndentTernaryConditions | Applies indentation to ternary conditions. |
JoinToImplode | Replace implode() alias (join() -> implode()). |
LeftWordWrap | Word wrap at 80 columns - left justify. |
LongArray | Convert short to long arrays. |
MergeElseIf | Merge if with else. |
SplitElseIf | Merge if with else. |
MergeNamespaceWithOpenTag | Ensure there is no more than one linebreak before namespace |
MildAutoPreincrement | Automatically convert postincrement to preincrement. (Deprecated pass. Use AutoPreincrement instead). |
NewLineBeforeReturn | Add an empty line before T_RETURN. |
OrganizeClass | Organize class, interface and trait structure. |
OrderAndRemoveUseClauses | Order use block and remove unused imports. |
OnlyOrderUseClauses | Order use block - do not remove unused imports. |
OrderMethod | Organize class, interface and trait structure. |
OrderMethodAndVisibility | Organize class, interface and trait structure. |
PHPDocTypesToFunctionTypehint | Read variable types from PHPDoc blocks and add them in function signatures. |
PrettyPrintDocBlocks | Prettify Doc Blocks |
PSR2EmptyFunction | Merges in the same line of function header the body of empty functions. |
PSR2MultilineFunctionParams | Break function parameters into multiple lines. |
ReindentAndAlignObjOps | Align object operators. |
ReindentSwitchBlocks | Reindent one level deeper the content of switch blocks. |
RemoveIncludeParentheses | Remove parentheses from include declarations. |
RemoveSemicolonAfterCurly | Remove semicolon after closing curly brace. |
RemoveUseLeadingSlash | Remove leading slash in T_USE imports. |
ReplaceBooleanAndOr | Convert from "and"/"or" to "&&"/" |
ReplaceIsNull | Replace is_null($a) with null === $a. |
RestoreComments | Revert any formatting of comments content. |
ReturnNull | Simplify empty returns. |
ShortArray | Convert old array into new array. (array() -> []) |
SmartLnAfterCurlyOpen | Add line break when implicit curly block is added. |
SortUseNameSpace | Organize use clauses by length and alphabetic order. |
SpaceAroundControlStructures | Add space around control structures. |
SpaceAfterExclamationMark | Add space after exclamation mark. |
SpaceAroundExclamationMark | Add spaces around exclamation mark. |
SpaceAroundParentheses | Add spaces inside parentheses. |
SpaceBetweenMethods | Put space between methods. |
StrictBehavior | Activate strict option in array_search, base64_decode, in_array, array_keys, mb_detect_encoding. Danger! This pass leads to behavior change. |
StrictComparison | All comparisons are converted to strict. Danger! This pass leads to behavior change. |
StripExtraCommaInArray | Remove trailing commas within array blocks |
StripNewlineAfterClassOpen | Strip empty lines after class opening curly brace. |
StripNewlineAfterCurlyOpen | Strip empty lines after opening curly brace. |
StripNewlineWithinClassBody | Strip empty lines after class opening curly brace. |
StripSpaces | Remove all empty spaces |
StripSpaceWithinControlStructures | Strip empty lines within control structures. |
TightConcat | Ensure string concatenation does not have spaces, except when close to numbers. |
TrimSpaceBeforeSemicolon | Remove empty lines before semi-colon. |
UpgradeToPreg | Upgrade ereg_* calls to preg_* |
WordWrap | Word wrap at 80 columns. |
WrongConstructorName | Update old constructor names into new ones. http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.decon.php |
YodaComparisons | Execute Yoda Comparisons. |
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