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A Linux terminal tool for parsing and scraping Holberton project pages to automate repetitive tasks.

github version

Hipposcraper - Python Scripts for Automating Holberton Projects

[STATUS] This repo is no longer maintained by Derrick Gee and Brennan D Baraban starting 6/22/2019, please ask around or on the Holberton Slack to find someone who is maintaining a fork of this repo if you are looking for an updated version of this scraper.

The Hipposcraper automates file template creation for Holberton projects. The program takes a link to a Holberton School project, scrapes the webpage, and creates the corresponding directory and files. The Hipposcraper currently supports the following:

System Engineering Low-Level Programming Higher-Level Programming
Bash script templates .c templates .py and .c templates
Header file Header file
_putchar file
main.c test files main.c/main.py test files

Getting Started :wrench:

IMPORTANT: Make sure your version is up to date (at the top of the readme), running hippoproject or hipporead will display the version.

Follow these instructions to set up the Hipposcraper on your machine.


The Hipposcraper relies on the Python packages Mechanize and BeautifulSoup4. Installation of these packages requires pip. If you are on a Debian-based Linux distribution:

sudo apt-get install pip

Once pip has been installed, install Mechanize and BeautifulSoup4 as follows:

pip install mechanize
pip install beautifulsoup4

Note that you may need to run the --user option when installing these packages.

Setup :key:

Setting User Information

After cloning a local copy of the repository, enter your Holberton intranet username and password as well as your GitHub name, username, and profile link in the auth_data.json file.

  • Using setup.sh: Run ./setup.sh to automatically setup the required information

Setting Aliases

The Hipposcraper defines two separate Python scripts - one (hippoproject.py) that creates projects, and a second (hipporead.py) that creates README.md files. To run both simultaneously, you'll need to define an alias to the script hipposcrape.sh.

First, open the script and enter the full pathname to the Hipposcraper directory where directed. Then, if you work in a Bash shell, define the following in your .bashrc:

alias hipposcrape='./ENTER_FULL_PATHNAME_TO_SCRAPER_DIRECTORY_HERE/hipposcrape.sh'

Alternatievely, you can define separate aliases for each individual script. To define a project scraper alias:

alias hippoproject='./ENTER_FULL_PATHNAME_TO_SCRAPER_DIRECTORY_HERE/hipposcraper.py'

And to define a README.md scraper alias:

alias hipporead='./ENTER_FULL_PATHNAME_TO_SCRAPER_DIRECTORY_HERE/hipporead.py'

NOTE: This program only works with Python 2; ensure that your aliases specify 'python2' (Mechanize is not supported by Python 3).

Usage :computer:

After you have setup the proper aliases, you can run the Hipposcraper with the following command:

~$ hipposcrape project_link

Where project_link is the URL link to the Holberton School project to scrape.

Alternatively, to run only the project scraper:

~$ hippoproject project_link

Or only the README.md scraper:

~$ hipporead project_link

check.sh - Generated for checking formats on all required files

~$ ./check.sh

Repository Contents :file_folder:

  • hipposcraper.sh

    • A Bash script for running the entire Hipposcraper at once.
  • hippoproject.py

    • Python script that scrapes Holberton intranet webpage to create project directories.
  • hipporead.py

    • Python script that scrapes Holberton intranet webpage to create project README.md.
  • auth_data.json

    • Stores user Holberton intranet and GitHub profile information.
  • scrapers

    • Folder of file-creation scrapers.
      • base_parse.py: Python script for parsing project pages.
      • sys_scraper.py: Python methods for creating Bash task files for system engineering projects.
      • low_scraper.py: Python methods for creating _putchar.c, task files, and header file for low-level programming projects.
      • high_scraper.py: Python methods for creating Python task files for higher-level programming projects.
      • test_file_scraper.py: Python methods for creating test files for all project types.
  • setup.sh: Sets up all variables and aliases with this script.

  • autover.sh: Development tool for changing all version strings.

Example of the C scraper


Example of the README scraper


Example of check.sh


