SteamItemDropIdler copied to clipboard
Error: appdatacache.cpp (695) : Assertion Failed: !package.missing_token()
Since 04/06/2020 it gives this error below after login.
[*] Logged in appdatacache.cpp (695) : Assertion Failed: !package.missing_token() ...
тунеядец, иди на завод. у тебя в немчурии они есть
колян, не вздумай этим дармоедам нашару фиксить что-то
i think for this part of code this code cant run game just stay in online mode ` clientFriends->SetPersonaState( k_EPersonaStateOnline );
if ( (*(bool( __thiscall** )(IClientUser*, AppId_t))(*(DWORD*)clientUser + 692))(clientUser, appID) ) { // BIsSubscribedApp
clientUtils->SetAppIDForCurrentPipe(appID, true);
bPlayingGame = true;
else {
printf( "You are not subscribed to this app. Trying to add a free license...\n" );
SteamAPICall_t hRequestFreeLicenseForApps = (*(SteamAPICall_t( __thiscall** )(IClientBilling*, AppId_t*, int))(*(DWORD*)clientBilling + 24))(clientBilling, &appID, 1); // RequestFreeLicenseForApps
bool bFailed;
while ( !clientUtils->IsAPICallCompleted( hRequestFreeLicenseForApps, &bFailed ) )
Sleep( 1000 );
RequestFreeLicenseResponse_t requestFreeLicenseResponse;
if ( !clientUtils->GetAPICallResult( hRequestFreeLicenseForApps, &requestFreeLicenseResponse, sizeof( RequestFreeLicenseResponse_t ), RequestFreeLicenseResponse_t::k_iCallback, &bFailed ) ) {
printf( "GetAPICallResult failed\n" );
goto funcEnd;
if ( requestFreeLicenseResponse.m_EResult == k_EResultOK && requestFreeLicenseResponse.m_nGrantedAppIds == 1 ) {
printf( "Added a free license\n" );
clientUtils->SetAppIDForCurrentPipe( appID, true );
bPlayingGame = true;
else {
printf( "Failed to add a free license. You do not own this game\n" );
goto funcEnd;
Unfortunately this project seems to be dead. It is really too bad, because it is/was a very good tool.
yes this project just working for once after 1 clear run i trying to find solution. if i found i tell you
just unturned work other games not working
I know ... if you run it and wait and ignor the error messages items still drop. I can also confirm Unturned and also Killing Floor 2 is working.
Are you about to recode something to solve this isssue?
its about steam.dll steamclient.dll this *.dll file need update to new steam dll i cant update because i dont know @kokole what has he/she done?
IClientUtils* clientUtils = clientEngine->GetIClientUtils( hSteamPipe,CLIENTUTILS_INTERFACE_VERSION ); if ( !clientUtils ) { printf( "clientUtils is null\n" ); goto funcEnd; }
lock at this CLIENTUTILS_INTERFACE_VERSION i change with new steam *.dll but i got this error clientEngine is null
about your Question i trying i added auto login to account with mobile steam guard shared secret key i know this problem solved in this forked project but code is too old and i haven't more time to solve problem with SDK or header then i create my own
if you know any thing about this project tell me I'll be happy
Seems we took the same way. I also started with Kokoles version here and switch to Ne3tCode version because of Steam mobile auth. The Ne3tCode version does not work for any game anymore (at least not for me). I also thought it might be related to changed Steam SDK functions, but I am no coder. I can somehow read the code, but no clue how to compile it under Windows.
So I am sorry, but I will be no help here with coding.
BTW: I tried to contact both guys on Steam and here on GitHub. @Ne3tCode replied with " is dead." and @kokole didn't react.
it's dead because open steam works repo don't update after 2017
this project looks like you open an old steam client
is there anyone alive here? Has anyone found a way to use this program? I have this error written 5 times every launch and the game does not start (maybe this is normal idk)