Hi @bes-dev, I opened a PR for this. Please take a look when you have time! https://github.com/bes-dev/stable_diffusion.openvino/pull/32
For python 3.8, you can use openvino: 2022.1.0
As @taye mentioned, you should use `useRef`. `interact.js` works very well with react. [Here](https://codesandbox.io/s/interact-js-test-components-d5vxxu) is what I tried with `interact.js`
The PR for this has been merged into `edge`. https://github.com/Opentrons/opentrons/pull/11787 This will be available in 2023's first release.
started writing a python script for generating a json file from an excel file.
We will close this since We haven't heard any response for a while. If still this happens to you, please re-open the issue with additional information.
this issue is tracked by a jira ticket
- [x] address feedback from Jethary and Brent
Maybe trying ts-migrate(https://github.com/airbnb/ts-migrate)? Just tried that with ml5-library. Got many errors lol ex https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/blob/development/src/Pix2pix/index.js#L62 passing 3 parameters even though the function requires 2 parameters. https://github.com/ml5js/ml5-library/blob/development/src/Pix2pix/index.js#L141 The migration could be helpful...
Hi @arogozhnikov Thank you for posting this. I have a question for you. The screenshot you posted said `localhost Not Found`. Did this happen to you when you run a...