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SwiftImage: an image library in Swift with Swifty APIs and value semantics
SwiftImage is an image library written in Swift, which provides Swifty APIs and image types with value semantics.
var image = Image<RGBA<UInt8>>(named: "ImageName")!
let pixel: RGBA<UInt8> = image[x, y]
image[x, y] = RGBA(red: 255, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 127)
image[x, y] = RGBA(0xFF00007F) // red: 255, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 127
// Iterates over all pixels
for pixel in image {
// ...
// Image processing (e.g. binarizations)
let binarized: Image<Bool> = image.map { $0.gray >= 127 }
// From/to `UIImage`
image = Image<RGBA<UInt8>>(uiImage: imageView.image!)
imageView.image = image.uiImage
SwiftImage makes it easy to access pixels of images. The Image
type in SwiftImage can be used intuitively like 2D Array
var image: Image<UInt8> = Image(width: 640, height: 480, pixels: [255, 248, /* ... */])
let pixel: UInt8 = image[x, y]
image[x, y] = 255
let width: Int = image.width // 640
let height: Int = image.height // 480
We can also access pixels of images using CoreGraphics. However, CoreGraphics requires us to struggle with complicated formats, old C APIs and painful memory management. SwiftImage provides clear and Swifty APIs for images.
Typically Image
is used with the RGBA
type. RGBA
is a simple struct
declared as follows.
struct RGBA<Channel> {
var red: Channel
var green: Channel
var blue: Channel
var alpha: Channel
Because RGBA
is a generic type, it can represent various formats of pixels. For example, RGBA<UInt8>
represents a pixel of 8-bit RGBA image (each channel has a value in 0...255
). Similarly, RGBA<UInt16>
represents a pixel of 16-bit RGBA image (0...65535
). RGBA<Float>
can represent a pixel whose channels are Float
s, which is often used for machine learning. A pixel of binary images, which have only black or white pixels and are used for fax, can be represented using RGBA<Bool>
is used with Image
, type parameters are nested like Image<RGBA<UInt8>>
because both Image
and RGBA
are generic types. On the other hand, grayscale images can be represented without nested parameters: Image<UInt8>
for 8-bit grayscale images and Image<UInt16>
for 16-bit grayscale images.
and RGBA
provide powerful APIs to handle images. For example, it is possible to convert a RGBA image to grayscale combining Image.map
with RGBA.gray
in one line.
let image: Image<RGBA<UInt8>> = // ...
let grayscale: Image<UInt8> = image.map { $0.gray }
Another notable feature of SwiftImage is that Image
is a struct
with value semantics, which is achieved using copy-on-write. Therefore,
instances never be shared - defensive copying is unnecessary
- there are no wasteful copying of
instances - copying is executed lazily only when it is inevitable
var another: Image<UInt8> = image // Not copied here because of copy-on-write
another[x, y] = 255 // Copied here lazily
another[x, y] == image[x, y] // false: Instances are never shared
import SwiftImage
let image = Image<RGBA<UInt8>>(named: "ImageName")!
let image = Image<RGBA<UInt8>>(contentsOfFile: "path/to/file")!
let image = Image<RGBA<UInt8>>(data: Data(/* ... */))!
let image = Image<RGBA<UInt8>>(uiImage: imageView.image!) // from a UIImage
let image = Image<RGBA<UInt8>>(nsImage: imageView.image!) // from a NSImage
let image = Image<RGBA<UInt8>>(cgImage: cgImage) // from a CGImage
let image = Image<RGBA<UInt8>>(width: 640, height: 480, pixels: pixels) // from a pixel array
let image = Image<RGBA<UInt8>>(width: 640, height: 480, pixel: .black) // a black RGBA image
let image = Image<UInt8>(width: 640, height: 480, pixel: 0) // a black grayscale image
let image = Image<Bool>(width: 640, height: 480, pixel: false) // a black binary image
Access to a pixel
// Gets a pixel by subscripts
let pixel = image[x, y]
// Sets a pixel by subscripts
image[x, y] = RGBA(0xFF0000FF)
image[x, y].alpha = 127
// Safe get for a pixel
if let pixel = image.pixelAt(x: x, y: y) {
print(pixel.gray) // (red + green + blue) / 3
print(pixel) // formatted like "#FF0000FF"
} else {
// `pixel` is safe: `nil` is returned when out of bounds
print("Out of bounds")
for pixel in image {
let result = image.rotated(by: .pi) // Rotated clockwise by π
let result = image.rotated(byDegrees: 180) // Rotated clockwise by 180 degrees
// Rotated clockwise by π / 4 and fill the background with red
let result = image.rotated(by: .pi / 4, extrapolatedBy: .filling(.red))
let result = image.xReversed() // Flip Horizontally
let result = image.yReversed() // Flip Vertically
let result = image.resizedTo(width: 320, height: 240)
let result = image.resizedTo(width: 320, height: 240,
interpolatedBy: .nearestNeighbor) // Nearest neighbor
Slicing is executed with no copying costs.
let slice: ImageSlice<RGBA<UInt8>> = image[32..<64, 32..<64] // No copying costs
let cropped = Image<RGBA<UInt8>>(slice) // Copying is executed here
can be converted by map
in the same way as Array
. Followings are the examples.
let result: Image<UInt8> = image.map { (pixel: RGBA<UInt8>) -> UInt8 in
// Shortened form
let result = image.map { $0.gray }
let result: Image<Bool> = image.map { (pixel: RGBA<UInt8>) -> Bool in
pixel.gray >= 128
// Shortened form
let result = image.map { $0.gray >= 128 }
Binarization (auto threshold)
let threshold = UInt8(image.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.grayInt } / image.count)
let result = image.map { $0.gray >= threshold }
Mean filter
let kernel = Image<Float>(width: 3, height: 3, pixel: 1.0 / 9.0)
let result = image.convoluted(kernel)
Gaussian filter
let kernel = Image<Int>(width: 5, height: 5, pixels: [
1, 4, 6, 4, 1,
4, 16, 24, 16, 4,
6, 24, 36, 24, 6,
4, 16, 24, 16, 4,
1, 4, 6, 4, 1,
]).map { Float($0) / 256.0 }
let result = image.convoluted(kernel)
With UIImage
// From `UIImage`
let image = Image<RGBA<UInt8>>(uiImage: imageView.image!)
// To `UIImage`
imageView.image = image.uiImage
With NSImage
// From `NSImage`
let image = Image<RGBA<UInt8>>(nsImage: imageView.image!)
// To `NSImage`
imageView.image = image.nsImage
With CoreGraphics
// Drawing on images with CoreGraphics
var image = Image<PremultipliedRGBA<UInt8>>(uiImage: imageView.image!)
image.withCGContext { context in
context.move(to: CGPoint(x: -1, y: -1))
context.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 640, y: 480))
imageView.image = image.uiImage
- Swift 5.0 or later
- Xcode 10.2 or later
Swift Package Manager
.package(url: "https://github.com/koher/swift-image.git", from: "0.7.0"),
github "koher/swift-image" ~> 0.7.0
- Put SwiftImage.xcodeproj into your project/workspace in Xcode.
- Click your project icon and select the application target and the "General" tab.
- Add
to "Embedded Binaries".
The MIT License