Seems like https://github.com/gbprod/yanky.nvim#%EF%B8%8F-yank-ring could be sth you're looking for
Thank you for the update! I'll keep an eye when this gets update. Thank you again for this amazing program!
Could you add a small section to the README.md for installing cloclify? I think it'd be helpful for other newcomers. Thanks!
I have the following line in `tridactylrc`: ``` set editorcmd /usr/bin/kitty -e /usr/bin/nvim -c "set filetype=markdown" ``` I use kitty and I can set the filetype here.
I've found a fork that implements reverse split tunnel: https://github.com/jonasjancarik/protonvpn-cli-community Cheers!
Hello @ggandor , thank you for getting back to me. I really appreciate it. I understand and sorry for not searching through the issues more thoroughly. I'll keep an eye...
Downgrading to 5.64-2 works for me.
I was having issue syncing this morning. Then I realized I can't even reach my Nextcloud service provider in the browser. An hour later I saw there's a new Nextcloud...
My bad. Turned out I can't lazy load `vim-matchup` with `lazy.nvim`
@jackMort TL;DR: if the "prompt" contains the word `digit` or `Aṅguttaranikāya` or word stem `sav` (as in saving), the whole entry seems to be discarded. Very weird ikr. Please see...