yabai icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
yabai copied to clipboard

Not work with Sequel Ace

Open jheroy opened this issue 9 months ago • 1 comments

Sequel Ace version: 4.0.11

Use command yabai -m query --windows can't found Sequel Ace window.

jheroy avatar Nov 17 '23 10:11 jheroy

yabai -m query --windows | jq '.[] | select(.app=="Sequel Ace")'

  "id": 1780,
  "pid": 35141,
  "app": "Sequel Ace",
  "title": "Sequel Ace",
  "frame": {
    "x": 15.0000,
    "y": 876.0000,
    "w": 1479.0000,
    "h": 801.0000
  "role": "AXWindow",
  "subrole": "AXStandardWindow",
  "root-window": true,
  "display": 1,
  "space": 1,
  "level": 0,
  "layer": "normal",
  "opacity": 1.0000,
  "split-type": "horizontal",
  "split-child": "second_child",
  "stack-index": 0,
  "can-move": true,
  "can-resize": true,
  "has-focus": false,
  "has-shadow": false,
  "has-parent-zoom": false,
  "has-fullscreen-zoom": false,
  "is-native-fullscreen": false,
  "is-visible": true,
  "is-minimized": false,
  "is-hidden": false,
  "is-floating": false,
  "is-sticky": false,
  "is-grabbed": false

PhrantiK avatar Jan 14 '24 14:01 PhrantiK