Still doesn't work for me. Got ``` The system cannot find the path specified. Miniconda hook not found. Press any key to continue . . . ``` Even after I...
Same issue.
The solution is migrating away from Unity 😄 But seriously why after so many years Unity still doesn't support creating a mecanim clip at runtime? Do they even have developers...
What's the official solution to this?
Oh, okay, I see. I shouldn't have been using the old version from Unity Asset Store.
How will morph targets and skeleton animation work together? If I'm not mistaken, usually skeleton animation is applied after the vertex positions are moved by morph targets. How are we...
> use the 2D preview panel to export I see. > You could create your own export target Sorry, I don't get it. What's an export target and how to...
+1. Please consider this feature!
The only way I know to use layer is like this: `animancer.Layers[index].Play(clip);` I know `animancer.Layers[1].Play(clip);` actually work in edit mode, but it will cause the whole playable graph to be...
I see. Thank you for the answer!