
Results 116 comments of Kodeine

@jkasten2 i am getting the following error even though /build.gradle in root does not have anything related to onesignal. But app/build.gradle has it. `app/build.gradle` ``` ..... // PLUGIN GRADLE EXTENSIONS...

Anu updates on this please?

I think this is related to #4987 total: true does not work when cube has pre-agg's enabled. cc @hassankhan

Hello, I will do the sticky magnet effect. I already have that done, will implement to this lib. You can do the video and text on link.

Any updates on this?

@paveltiunov so i am trying to use total as well for pagination needs and a table with pre aggregation gives error like above if total is true but if its...

@mihaiiova i understand but running multiple queries just to get total is not my preferred method.

I think this is really important otherwise theres a huge gap missing. I was shocked to see this feature was missing as it is a common use case.

Its not for Kubernetes its for google compute instance. For kubernetes live probes can work but not for compute instance healthchecks.

wow, this has been unsolved for a long while now.