I've added `travis-ci` builds so it's easy to see the error:
> @stof In SessionListener, prepareDefaultMinkSession is not called. I have this problem only when I remove symfony/symfony dependency. Yes, I mentioned that here: but it gives a good starting...
@loic425 this indeed seems to solve the issue, but I wouldn't close the issue it just yet. @stof I think we need to document/suggest/guide users of the packages about this.
@oqq nice work on your implementation. Regardless of the GitHub account/login and just to elaborate a bit more, this issue should/could also be taken much further into Real Life use...
You're probably looking for this: ``` https://XS_HOST_IP/console?uuid=VM_UUID ```
``` vm-name-label ( RO): WinVM protocol ( RO): RFB ```
I'm experiencing the same issue, with a similar setup (master password)
@dlintott, this is still an issue.
removing the master password does continue into: ``` Server sync progress Retrieving VMs ```
thanks, I've managed to install ConfigObj. (might be a good idea to give the link in the "requirements" section) now I'm facing this: ``` import six ImportError: No module named...