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Compile ASN.1 with Rebar3


Compile ASN.1 with Rebar3


The plugin can be accessed via

{plugins, [
    { provider_asn1, "0.3.0"}

You can also pull the plugin directly from git:

{plugins, [
    { provider_asn1, ".*", {git, "[email protected]:knusbaum/provider_asn1.git", {tag, "0.3.0"}}}

Then just call your plugin directly in an existing application:

$ rebar3 asn compile
===> Fetching provider_asn1
===> Compiling provider_asn1
<Plugin Output>

The plugin will look in an app directory called 'asn1' for *.asn1 files, compile them, and move the generated source to the appropriate places.

For example, Your project should have a structure like this:

├── asn1
│   └── Files.asn1
├── include
├── rebar.config
├── rebar.lock
└── src
    └── some_app.erl

Then if you run rebar3 asn compile, your asn.1 files will be compiled:

$ rebar3 asn compile
===> Fetching provider_asn1 ({git,
                                     "[email protected]:knusbaum/provider_asn1.git",
===> Compiling provider_asn1
===> Generating ASN.1 files.
$ tree
├── _build
│   └── ...
├── asn1
│   └── Files.asn1
├── asngen
│   ├── Files.asn1db
│   ├── Files.erl
│   └── Files.hrl
├── include
│   └── Files.hrl
├── rebar.config
├── rebar.lock
└── src
    ├── Files.asn1db
    ├── Files.erl
    └── some_app.erl

The provider also has a clean command which will remove generated files.

$ rebar3 asn clean
===> Cleaning ASN.1 generated files.

You may also want to add a hook to the 'compile' and 'clean' phases, so you don't have to manually generate and remove the asn files


{provider_hooks, [{pre, [{compile, {asn, compile}}]},
                  {post, [{clean, {asn, clean}}]}]}.

Now your asn.1 files will be compiled before your other files, so they'll always be available when you build. When you clean, the generated files will be removed and you'll be left with a clean working directory.

The provider_asn1 plugin has a few configuration options. They can be placed in your rebar.config file, or issued on the command line.

The options are as follows:

  • --verbose -v Lots of output for debugging.
  • --encoding -e Pick the encoding used by the asn compiler. Options are ber, per, and uper. ber is the default.
  • --compile_opts -o A comma-separated list of options to send to Erlang's ASN.1 compiler. See for available options.
  • --compile_order -c An Erlang term consisting of a tuple-list of the specific order to compile the ASN.1 files where the first tuple-element is one of wildcard | file | dir and the second the filename in string format. Defaults to [{wildcard, \"**/*.{asn1,asn}\"}].
  • --overrides -O An Erlang term consisting of a tuple-list of the compile options that will override the options per file. The first tuple-element is one of file | re and the second the filename or match pattern in string format.


$ rebar3 asn compile -v -e per -o'der,compact_bit_string'

As mentioned, these options can be put in your rebar.config file:

{asn1_args, [{encoding, per},
             {verbose, true},
             {compile_opts, [der, compact_bit_string]},
             {overrides, [{{file, "CAP_PHASE1.set.asn1"}, [{encoding, [ber]},
                                                           {compile_opts, [{i, "asn1-lib/"}]}]},
                          {{re, "/uper/"}, [{encoding, uper}]}]}]}.

Options in rebar.config will be overridden by command-line options.

Note: provider_asn1 will recompile files if the generated source files are older than the asn1-files.