Thorjan Knudsvik

Results 22 issues of Thorjan Knudsvik

A data handler that gets data for all sensors. See this link for [docs](

Access to advanced configuration while setting up a new EnergyScore. Check Aaron docs, should be quite similar use case.

Users may want to only run dishwasher between 07:00 and 22:00. Would make sense to be able to configure this and only normalise price for these hours. - [ ]...

A dishwasher that runs for 90 minutes cannot score 100% even when run in the chespest hour. Could be 100% if run during the two cheapest hours.? - [ ]...

Define a sensor name based on the entity_id if the name is not provided. PowerCalc does this.


Create a service to purge attribute data like price and energy, to clean poor data.

Updating should be close to the whole hours, e.g. every minute between 13:58 and 14:02. Alternatively push updates when a new value of energy or price is available, see some...


The sensitivity for energy-price current day could be an attribute. Needs to look at historic price-variations, either by saving them or looking at the long term statistics of the entity.

Without setting anything up, like ```yaml sensor - platform: powerscore ``` Could it be set up with the totals from the energy dashboard?


If querying for raw data (`read_type=ReaderType.RAW`) but also specifying the frequency argument a warning could be thrown to inform the user that the frequency is not used.
