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Custom Integration for Home Assistant to score how energy is utilized based on price point

Results 19 EnergyScore issues
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I have two sensors that measure the KWh used and the costs during peak and off-peak hours. It is not clear to me how to use this integration to calculate...

When electricity price is available (prefer the one setup in Energy Dashboard): - Devices with energy can have EnergyScore, Potential and Cost added automatically. PowerCalc adds sensors to existing devices...

2022.2 opens for customizing precision. Needs to be supported throughout (today both score and quality are capped) 2023.3 adds even more. This [blog post]( says that the previous feature (introduced...

** TESTS ** - [ ] Lifetime cost sets up auto from yaml - [ ] Lifetime cost sets up auto from configFlow - [ ] Lifetime cost restores state...

Check that the input entities are of device_class energy and currency? See **UI:** - [ ] Can only choose energy entities that is proper energy entities (total) and of...

The chosen entities could be visible in device info page?

- [ ] Possibility to change price and energy sensors in OptionsFlow - [ ] Test OptionsFlow? - [ ] Test change of price sensor - [ ] Test change...

- [ ] Quality indicator functionality - [ ] Restoring quality - [ ] Testing quality - [ ] Testing restore - [ ] Update read-me