I think that a solution could be that instead of using the GP estimate for pending items just use the maximum. So if the GP estimate for item 11 is...
I solved my problem by representing the parameter space as the polar angles of a hyper-sphere. Then all the angles is the interval 0 to pi/2. Here is some functions...
It would be cool if it was possible to get a volumetric plot by doing something like: anim = @animate for t ∈ eachindex(ts) plot(domains[2:4], phi([t,x,y,z], res.minimizer)) end Domains are...
I think the doc should say where to find info about the return type. The signature in the document are CommonSolve.solve(prob::ProblemType,alg::SolverType; kwargs...)::SolutionType But if I lookup ?SolutionType, ?CommonSolve.SolutionType or ?Optimization.SolutionType...
Symmetric conditions like: `,u(-x,y,t)~u(x,y,t),u(x,-y,t)~u(x,y,t)` Does not work either.